Century Plyboards (India) is aiming at a Rs 5,000 crore topline by FY26 and it will reinforce its high-margin laminates vertical by expanding its presence, and double sales to Rs 1000 crore in the segment over the next four years. The company launched a new mass brand called 'Sainik' in order to address the untapped 80 per cent of the around Rs 8,000 crore laminate market.
Backed by the same quality commitment, the company expects revenue from its laminates to double to Rs 1,000 crore in the next four years, up from about Rs 500 crore currently, driven by its new mass segment laminate brand 'Sainik'. The company is implementing Rs 2000 crore capex roadmap till FY25 to ramp capacities through greenfield and brownfield expansions. This capex will help attain a topline of Rs 5,000 crore in the next three years from Rs 3,000 crore in FY22.
Century Plyboards (India) is largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market. The manufacturing facility of company is located at Bishnupur near Joka, Kolkata.
Company Name | CMP |
Century Plyboards(I) | 840.10 |
Greenply Industries | 309.30 |
Greenpanel Inds. | 364.00 |
Archidply Inds | 107.15 |
Duroply Industries | 231.05 |
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