Revenue reduced marginally to stand at Rs. 3133.00 millions during the quarter ended March 2023. The figure stood at Rs. 3236.70 millions during the year-ago period.A big decline of -62.71% was reported for the quarter ended March 2023 to Rs. 58.10  millions from Rs. 155.80 millions of corresponding previous quarter.Operating profit surged to 330.30 millions from the corresponding previous quarter of 261.10 millions.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202303 202203 % Var 202303 202203 % Var 202303 202203 % Var
Sales 3133.00 3236.70 -3.20 12462.90 11562.90 7.78 12462.90 11562.90 7.78
Other Income 49.80 30.60 62.75 191.70 168.40 13.84 191.70 168.40 13.84
PBIDT 330.30 261.10 26.50 1542.60 1190.60 29.56 1542.60 1190.60 29.56
Interest 4.10 2.80 46.43 5.80 4.80 20.83 5.80 4.80 20.83
PBDT 151.20 258.30 -41.46 1361.80 1185.80 14.84 1361.80 1185.80 14.84
Depreciation 60.50 45.80 32.10 207.80 185.20 12.20 207.80 185.20 12.20
PBT 90.70 212.50 -57.32 1154.00 1000.60 15.33 1154.00 1000.60 15.33
TAX 32.60 56.70 -42.50 303.10 255.30 18.72 303.10 255.30 18.72
Deferred Tax -35.10 0.50 -7120.00 -64.30 -9.70 562.89 -64.30 -9.70 562.89
PAT 58.10 155.80 -62.71 850.90 745.30 14.17 850.90 745.30 14.17
Equity 101.40 101.40 0.00 101.40 101.40 0.00 101.40 101.40 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 10.54 8.07 30.69 12.38 10.30 20.21 12.38 10.30 20.21

Honda India Power Share Price

3058.00 25.10 (0.83%)
19-Dec-2024 16:59 View Price Chart
Company Name CMP
Havells India 1695.15
Siemens 7633.05
Apar Inds 9923.85
Waaree Energies 3038.50
ABB India 7349.35
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