EaseMyTrip has launched its first offline retail store in Surat, Gujarat. This has been announced as a strategic move in alignment with its expansion plans. The objective is to tap into a customer base that prefers a tailored ‘meet and greet’ experience. This decision reflects the company's commitment to providing exceptional service and meeting the evolving needs of its customers.
The new office has been nestled in the prominent location of Ghod Dod Road, Surat, in coherent sync with the brand's goal of broadening its footprint and operations. The interior of the store is designed with the most up-to-date designs and brand colors in mind so that customers have a strong brand recall. The store will provide premier services such as flight and hotel reservations, the purchase of bus, railway, and group fare tickets, and the purchase of vacation, cruise, and charter packages. EaseMyTrip's Surat store will also offer visa applications and related formalities as supplementary services.
Easy Trip Planners (EaseMyTrip) is the second largest online travel agency in India in terms of gross revenue.
Company Name | CMP |
IRCTC | 765.20 |
Transcorp Intl. | 30.99 |
Thomas Cook (India) | 165.95 |
TBO Tek | 1695.20 |
Le Travenues Techno | 144.45 |
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