Rail Vikas Nigam (RVNL) has been emerged as the Lowest Bidder (L1) for multiple Maharashtra Metro rail Corporation’s projects worth Rs 256 crore. The company has been emerged as (L1) for the project of Six Elevated Metro Station viz. Pili Nadi to Lekha Nagar in Reach-2A, One Elevated and One At-Grade station viz. Ecopark and Metro City in Reach-IA respectively, At-Grade Section Formation earthwork, boundary wall and retaining wall between Ch. 19550 to Ch. 20421.016 & Ch. 20498.516 to Ch. 21296.917, Elevated Metro track supporting structure for Eco Park Metro station between Ch. 20421.016 to Ch. 20498.516 and for Multi-Storied Building at Tulsi School Land (at Sitabuldi) of NMRP Phase-2.
Rail Vikas Nigam is in the business of executing all types of railway projects including new lines, doubling, gauge conversion, railway electrification, metro projects, workshops, major bridges, construction of cable stayed bridges, institution buildings etc.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3596.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 417.50 |
NCC | 265.35 |
KEC International | 1049.00 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1245.55 |
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