Century Plyboards (India) is targeting Rs 12,000 crore turnover by 2031 from about Rs 3600 crore in 2022-23. To achieve its Vision 2031, the company is implementing a Rs 2,000 crore capex plan. The company's standalone revenue from operations for FY23 was Rs 3,620.65 crore, a growth of 20.65 per cent from the previous year.
The company has commenced rolling out its capex plan of Rs 2,000 crore by FY 2024-25. The proposed outlay will primarily focus on expanding the capacity of laminates, MDF, plywood, and particle board. These investments will be made in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Punjab. The majority of the proposed investment will be directed towards MDF (medium-density fibreboard) and particle board, which have a combined revenue potential of 40 per cent of the company's turnover.
Century Plyboards (India) is largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market. The manufacturing facility of company is located at Bishnupur near Joka, Kolkata.
Company Name | CMP |
Century Plyboards(I) | 840.10 |
Greenply Industries | 309.30 |
Greenpanel Inds. | 364.00 |
Archidply Inds | 107.15 |
Duroply Industries | 231.05 |
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