Consolid. Finv.&Hold - Quaterly Results

17 Nov 2023 Evaluate
The total revenue stands at Rs. 137.00 millions for the September 2023 quarter. The mentioned figure indicates an increase of about 617.28% as against Rs. 19.10 millions during  the year-ago period.The Total Profit for the quarter ended September 2023 of Rs. 99.40 millions grew from Rs.-25.50 millions Operating profit Margin for the quarter ended September 2023 improved to 136.30% as compared to -20.90% of corresponding quarter ended September 2022

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202309 202209 % Var 202309 202209 % Var 202303 202203 % Var
Sales 137.00 19.10 617.28 274.90 40.30 582.13 4103.70 119.50 3334.06
Other Income 1.80 2.70 -33.33 1.90 3.00 -36.67 69.50 2.70 2474.07
PBIDT 136.30 -20.90 -752.15 271.90 -0.70 -38942.86 4107.90 26.80 15227.99
Interest 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PBDT 136.10 -20.90 -751.20 271.70 -0.70 -38914.29 4107.90 26.80 15227.99
Depreciation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.00
PBT 136.10 -20.90 -751.20 271.60 -0.80 -34050.00 4107.70 26.60 15342.48
TAX 36.70 4.60 697.83 68.80 9.50 624.21 978.30 20.40 4695.59
Deferred Tax 36.70 3.90 841.03 68.80 8.20 739.02 971.80 23.10 4106.93
PAT 99.40 -25.50 -489.80 202.80 -10.30 -2068.93 3129.40 6.20 50374.19
Equity 323.30 323.30 0.00 323.30 323.30 0.00 323.30 323.30 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 99.49 -109.42 -190.92 98.91 -1.74 -5794.23 100.10 22.43 346.35
Company Name CMP
Bajaj Finance 8419.25
Shriram Finance 619.60
Aditya Birla Capital 162.10
SBI Cards AndPayment 828.80
Mah & Mah Finl. Serv 271.05
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