EaseMyTrip has launched a travel program called Explore Bharat- Discover the Soul of India. This exciting program aims to captivate travel enthusiasts staying overseas by offering curated tour packages that illuminate the vibrant tapestry of India's heritage, culture, history, architecture, landscapes, wildlife etc. Bharat’s culture is a kaleidoscope of traditions, languages, religions and artistic expressions. Explore Bharat sets out to unravel this intricate mosaic, allowing travelers to witness firsthand myriad hues that paint the canvas of India.
The program's curated tour packages are a symphony of experiences, carefully designed to provide a comprehensive overview of India's cultural richness. From the regal palaces of Rajasthan to the serene backwaters of Kerala, each itinerary is a journey through time and tradition. EaseMyTrip, with its expertise in the travel sector, ensures that these tours are not just voyages from one destination to another but immersive experiences that delve deep into the soul of India.
Easy Trip Planners (EaseMyTrip) is the second largest online travel agency in India in terms of gross revenue.
Company Name | CMP |
IRCTC | 763.10 |
Transcorp Intl. | 30.23 |
Thomas Cook (India) | 165.95 |
TBO Tek | 1698.90 |
Le Travenues Techno | 143.55 |
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