Revenue showed a marginal decline at Rs. 4346.70 millions. For the quarter ended March 2024, as compared to corresponding quarter of last year.Net Profit witnessed a 174.37% growth almost the double from Rs. 147.50 millions to Rs. 404.70  millions  of same quarter last year.Operating Profit saw a handsome growth to 780.30 millions from 476.40 millions in the quarter ended March 2024.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202403 202303 % Var 202403 202303 % Var 202403 202303 % Var
Sales 4346.70 4481.00 -3.00 17024.00 16721.00 1.81 17024.00 16721.00 1.81
Other Income 492.00 359.10 37.01 601.30 495.90 21.25 601.30 495.90 21.25
PBIDT 780.30 476.40 63.79 1561.40 676.10 130.94 1561.40 676.10 130.94
Interest 57.70 75.40 -23.47 270.60 325.50 -16.87 270.60 325.50 -16.87
PBDT 723.50 401.00 80.42 1284.40 350.60 266.34 1284.40 350.60 266.34
Depreciation 164.10 166.50 -1.44 667.60 662.70 0.74 667.60 662.70 0.74
PBT 559.40 234.50 138.55 616.80 -312.10 -297.63 616.80 -312.10 -297.63
TAX 154.70 87.00 77.82 166.70 -56.70 -394.00 166.70 -56.70 -394.00
Deferred Tax 43.90 86.40 -49.19 47.50 -101.10 -146.98 47.50 -101.10 -146.98
PAT 404.70 147.50 174.37 450.10 -255.40 -276.23 450.10 -255.40 -276.23
Equity 128.90 128.90 0.00 128.90 128.90 0.00 128.90 128.90 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 17.95 10.63 68.85 9.17 4.04 126.83 9.17 4.04 126.83

KCP Share Price

190.40 3.60 (1.93%)
13-Mar-2025 16:59 View Price Chart
Company Name CMP
Ultratech Cement 10448.50
Ambuja Cement 486.20
ACC 1855.05
Shree Cement 27459.05
Dalmia Bharat 1606.05
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