PVR INOX has opened 3-screen multiplex at Varam Central Mall in the city of Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh. With a seating capacity of 872 guests, this marks the company’s first establishment in Andhra Pradesh, post the merger. The new multiplex features the latest 3D Freedo light technology for patrons to appreciate the films in stunning detail along with plush and comfortable sliders and recliner chairs for optimized comfort. With other state-of-the-art cinematic technologies like Dolby ATMOS Audio and 2K projectors, the patrons can expect nothing but a superior auditory experience. Another highlight of the cinema is its Next Gen 3D screens for delivering a truly immersive cinema experience.
With this launch, PVR INOX now operates the largest multiplex network with 1757 screens across 362 properties in 113 cities (India and Sri Lanka).
PVR INOX is the largest film exhibition company in India.
Company Name | CMP |
PVR | 1134.95 |
Saregama India | 529.55 |
Eros Internatl.Media | 13.67 |
Shemaroo Entertain. | 149.75 |
Balaji Telefilms | 73.09 |
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