Gangotri Textiles has informed that the Company has convened Board Meeting on Monday, the 24th day of June, 2024. In the said meeting the Directors have recorded the resignation of K.Narayanasamy the present Statutory Auditor of the company who resigned with effect from 12-6-2024 due to his indifferent health and approved the appointment of new Statutory Auditor T.M.Mohanraj,,Chartered Accountant (Membership No 020626), Partner of Mohanraj & Sankar (Firm Registration No 007938S) having their office at No 987, Behind Selvam Building, Thadagam Road, Near H.P Petro Bunk, R.S.Puram, Coimbatore -641002 as recommended by the Audit Committee to conduct audit of the Company from the Finacial Years 2024-25 to 2028-29 (From 1-4-2024 to 31-3-2029). The Directors have also approved reclassification of Promoter Associates, Mayank Tibrewal; Umang Tibrewal who have given their request to the Board of Directors for reclaasification of Promoter Group into Public. The Board of Directors also considerd the death of the erstwhile Executive Director, Mohanlal, Tibrewal and recommended the reclassification of Mohanial Tibrewal from Promoter Group into Public.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.