Zee Entertainment Enterprises (ZEEL) has received approval from shareholders to raise an amount not exceeding Rs 2,000 crore from the market through various routes, including issuing equity shares and qualified institutions placements (QIPs). This is the first fundraising round after Sony Corporation terminated a deal to merge its two entertainment entities in India with ZEEL. This will enable the company to enhance its strategic flexibility to pursue future growth opportunities in the evolving media landscape.
The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on June 6, 2024, had approved the same.
Zee Entertainment Enterprises is one of India’s leading television media and entertainment companies. It is amongst the largest producers and aggregators of Hindi programming in the world.
Company Name | CMP |
Zee Entertainment | 123.95 |
Sun TV Network | 693.70 |
GTPL Hathway | 140.20 |
Network 18 Media Inv | 71.32 |
Den Networks | 44.26 |
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