Tata Chemicals has received approval to raise Rs 1,700 crore through allotment of 1,70,000 Listed, Unsecured, Rated, Redeemable, Taxable, Non-Cumulative, Non-convertible Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs), having face value Rs 1 lakh each for a tenor of 3 years, to identified investors on private placement basis, on the terms and conditions as mentioned in the transaction documents for the said Issue. Internal Committee of the Board of Directors of the company on August 20, 2024, has approved the same
The NCDs have a fixed rate coupon of 7.81% and have been issued based on multiple yield allotment method. The NCDs will be listed on the Debt Segment of National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)
Tata Chemicals is the second-largest producer of soda ash in the world with manufacturing facilities in India, UK, Kenya and USA. It is India’s leading crop nutrients player and a leading player in crop protection business through its subsidiary Rallis India.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Chemicals | 1012.20 |
SRF | 2306.75 |
Pidilite Inds. | 2922.50 |
Aarti Inds | 405.25 |
Atul | 6914.60 |
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