With reference to its letter dated August 9, 2024, intimating that the Internal Committee constituted by the Board of Directors has approved the terms for issue of Listed, Unsecured, Rated, Redeemable, Taxable, Non-Cumulative, Non-Convertible NCDs aggregating to ?1,700 crore, on private placement basis. In this connection, Tata Chemicals has informed that the Internal Committee has today, on August 20, 2024, approved the allotment of 1,70,000 Listed, Unsecured, Rated, Redeemable, Taxable, Non-Cumulative, Non-convertible NCDs, having face value ?1,00,000/- each, for cash, aggregating to ? 1,700 crore, for a tenor of 3 years, to identified investors on private placement basis, on the terms and conditions as mentioned in the transaction documents for the said Issue. The NCDs have a fixed rate coupon of 7.81% and have been issued based on multiple yield allotment method. The NCDs will be listed on the Debt Segment of National Stock Exchange of India (NSE).
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.