Netweb Technologies India has unveiled its new series of advanced servers at the Hyatt Regency, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi. This event marked a significant milestone for not just the company but the Country, highlighting its commitment to world-class innovation and local manufacturing.
The ceremony included a detailed presentation and live demonstrations, showcasing the servers' capabilities and advanced features designed for high-performance computing, Enterprise workloads, and AI applications. The server models on display were Tyrone Camarero SDA200A2N-212, Camarero SDA200A2N-224, Camarero SDA200A2N-18, Camarero SDA20A2R-424, Camarero SDA100C3R-48, Camarero SSA200F0R-48, SDA200A3H-460, and Camarero SSA200C3R-28.
This unveiling aimed to showcase Netweb Technologies' big leap on the Make in India front and their capabilities to replace foreign MNCs with its Private Cloud – HCI, AI, and HPC Systems. The new models support dual AMD EPYC 9004 Series going up to 256 cores, offering impressive computational performance for the most intensive and wide range of workloads. With support for up to 6TB of memory, the servers offer substantial scalability in memory capacity, ensuring the solutions can easily oversee large datasets in memory computing and complex applications. Apart from a super-efficient processor, the systems also boast many remarkable features, making them an ideal choice for various applications, especially in an Enterprise Data Centre or AI/ML environment.
Netweb Technologies is one of the country's leading high-end computing solutions (HCS) providers. It is one of the few original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the country and is a recipient of production-linked incentives schemes of the Government of India.
Company Name | CMP |
Netweb Technologies | 2437.45 |
DC Infotech and Comm | 342.25 |
Control Print | 722.25 |
Ducon Infra. | 7.02 |
NELCO | 1167.05 |
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