Pursuant to Regulation 29 and other relevant Regulations, if any, of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, Mehai Technology has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Monday, the 2nd day of September, 2024 at the Corporate Office of the Company at Unit No. 708, 7th Floor, ECO Centre, Block-EM-4 Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, West Bengal, India, to transact the following business: 1. To Consider and approve change in Object Clause of the Company 2. To consider and approve the grant of further Borrowing Power of up to Rs 1,000 Crores to the Board of Directors of the Company. 3. To consider and approve further increase in the power of Board to make Investments, give Loans, Guarantees and provide Securities for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs 1,000 Crore, 4. Shifting of the registered office of the Company, 5. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.