Fidel Softech - Quaterly Results

07 Nov 2024 Evaluate
A decent increase of about 44.72% in the sales to Rs. 138.18 millions was observed for the quarter ended September 2024. The sales figure stood at Rs. 95.48 millions during the year-ago period.A good growth in profit of 43.84% reported to Rs. 23.72  millions over Rs. 16.49 millions of corresponding previous quarter.The company reported a good operating profit of 32.31 millions compared to 22.26 millions of corresponding previous quarter.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202409 202309 % Var 202409 202309 % Var 202403 202303 % Var
Sales 138.18 95.48 44.72 262.83 187.70 40.03 400.91 333.71 20.14
Other Income 2.61 4.15 -37.11 4.66 5.63 -17.23 9.39 8.68 8.18
PBIDT 32.31 22.26 45.15 60.60 44.01 37.70 82.39 74.48 10.62
Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00
PBDT 32.31 22.26 45.15 60.60 44.01 37.70 82.39 74.18 11.07
Depreciation 0.42 0.52 -19.23 0.67 0.99 -32.32 2.18 2.69 -18.96
PBT 31.89 21.74 46.69 59.93 43.02 39.31 80.21 71.49 12.20
TAX 8.17 5.25 55.62 15.11 10.91 38.50 19.61 17.62 11.29
Deferred Tax -0.81 0.36 -325.00 -1.05 0.06 -1850.00 0.13 -1.94 -106.70
PAT 23.72 16.49 43.84 44.82 32.11 39.58 60.60 53.87 12.49
Equity 137.51 137.51 0.00 137.51 137.51 0.00 137.51 137.51 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 23.38 23.31 0.29 23.06 23.45 -1.66 20.55 22.32 -7.92
Company Name CMP
TCS 4271.50
Infosys 1948.15
HCL Tech. 1933.35
Wipro 312.70
Tech Mahindra 1754.90
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