Worth Investment & Trading Co has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e., November 18, 2024, has allotted 222430200 equity shares of Re 1 (Rupees One only) each as fully paid-up bonus equity shares, in the proportion of 1.5:1, i.e., 3 (Three) new fully paid-up equity share of Re 1 (Rupees One only) each for every 2 (Two) existing fully paid-up equity share of Re 1 (Rupees One only) each, to the eligible members of the Company whose names appeared in the Register of Members / Register of the Beneficial Owners, as on November14, 2024, the ‘Record Date’ fixed for this purpose. Consequent to the aforesaid allotment, the paid-up equity share capital of the Company stands increased to Rs 370717000 divided into 370717000 equity shares of Re 1 each. The meeting was commenced at 10 :00 AM and concluded at 11:00 AM.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.