India Ratings has upgraded the long-term credit rating assigned to the term loan and working capital facilities of Adani Power from ‘AA-/Stable’ to ‘AA/Stable’. It has also affirmed the credit rating assigned to short term facilities of the Company at ‘A1+’.
The rating agency attributes the rating upgrade to the successful acquisition of additional 2.3 GW capacities, risk mitigation measures available under specific power supply contracts, continuing EBITDA generation from long/medium term power supply contracts and merchant sales, and debt levels remaining comfortable.
Adani Power is engaged in the business of generation, accumulation, distribution and supply of power and to generally deal in electricity and to explore, develop, generate, accumulate, supply and distribute or to deal in other forms of energy from any source whatsoever.
Company Name | CMP |
NTPC | 322.05 |
Tata Power | 351.85 |
Power Grid Corp | 287.05 |
Adani Power | 496.80 |
Torrent Power | 1454.35 |
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