Oriental Rail Infrastructure has secured orders worth Rs 2.15 crore from ‘Rail Coach Factory (RCF), Kapurthala, Indian Railways’ for manufacturing and supplying of 9 Sets of ‘Seats’ for LHB Non-AC chair car coaches (108 Seater) and 9 Sets of ‘Seats’ for LHB 2nd AC chair car coaches (78 Seater). The order is to be executed by May 29, 2025.
Delivery is to be made to RCF: Furnishing Depot. Further, 95% of payment will be received against Inspection Certificate issued by the nominated inspection agency as specified in the contract and proof of dispatch/delivery of the material and Balance 5% after receipt, inspection and acceptance of the goods.
Oriental Rail Infrastructure is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of wood-based decorative products.
Company Name | CMP |
Century Plyboards(I) | 770.40 |
Greenply Industries | 286.55 |
Greenpanel Inds. | 339.25 |
Archidply Inds | 102.45 |
Duroply Industries | 215.40 |
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