In continuation to intimation dated December 2, 2024, Neelkanth has submitted the revised board meeting outcome. The revised outcome includes corrections to typographical errors that were present in the earlier filing. Pursuant to Schedule III, read with, the Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Board, in its Meeting held on December 2, 2024, has considered and approved the following items: Approval of Postal Ballot Notice The Board approved the Notice for Postal Ballot for Regularisation of Sangeeta Vijay Kumar (DIN: 10704866) as an Independent Director who was appointed as an Additional Director (Non- Executive, Independent) of the Company effective November 13, 2024, by the Board of Directors for a term of 5 (Five) years commencing from November 13, 2024 to November 12, 2029. Postal Ballot Notice shall be sent to the shareholders in due course and the same shall be filed with the exchange; Appointment of Scrutinizer for Postal Ballot’s e-voting process The Board of Director approved the appointment of CS Hemanshu Upadhyay, Proprietor of HRU & Associates, Company Secretaries, as the Scrutinizer for Postal Ballot’s e-voting process. The Board meeting commenced on 12.00 pm and concluded on 12.30 pm.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.