Sky Gold has informed that the members of the Board of Directors of the Company through resolution passed by circulation today Tuesday, 17th December 2024 has allotted 13,18,86,054 Equity Shares of Rs 10 (Rupees Ten only) each as fully paid-up bonus equity shares, in the proportion of 9:1, 9 (Nine) new fully paid-up equity share of Rs 10 (Rupees Ten only) each for every 1 (One) existing fully paid-up equity share of Rs 10 (Rupees Ten only) each, to the eligible members of the Company whose names appeared in the Register of Members / Register of the Beneficial Owners, as on 16th December 2024, the ‘Record Date’ fixed for this purpose. Consequent to the aforesaid allotment, the paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Company stands increased to Rs 1,46,54,00,600 divided into 14,65,40,060 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each. The new Equity Shares so allotted shall rank pari-passu with the existing Equity Shares of the Company.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.