Mindteck (India) has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has approved the Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024, at its meeting held on February 05, 2025, commenced at 12:30 pm IST and concluded at 02:10 pm IST. It has enclosed: Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024; Unaudited Consolidated Financial Results of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024; Copy of the Limited Review Report by Statutory Auditor for Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024; Copy of the Limited Review Report by Statutory Auditor for Consolidated Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2024. Further, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee granted 1,04,517 options under Mindteck Employees Stock Option Scheme 2005, 2008 and 2014, to the eligible employees making an adjustment to the outstanding stock options and its respective exercise prices, pursuant to the Bonus issue, out of which 54,167 options are granted to the Key Managerial Personnel.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.