Strides Pharma Science has informed that Board of Directors of Strides Pharma Science (Strides) and Arco Lab in their meeting held today have accorded their in-principle approval for the proposed demerger of Identified Business of Arco Lab. Arco Lab is an innovative Global Life Sciences Capability Centre offering a wide range of services in life sciences consulting, technology, and business solutions. It is proposed to transfer by way of demerger the Life Sciences and Digital Innovation Capabilities (Identified Business) of Arco Lab into a New Company (NewCo). Such NewCo shall focus on Life Sciences and Manufacturing solutions with deep domain knowledge and cutting-edge technology capabilities. Arco Lab will incorporate the NewCo to facilitate the proposed demerger including undertaking requisite preparatory steps, drawing up of the scheme of arrangement, valuation of the identified business, amongst others. The proposed structure envisages the NewCo to be a WOS of Strides and there will not be any impact on Strides, financially or otherwise arising out of the proposed restructuring.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.