Cummins India will spend up to Rs 500 crore in the current financial year on various purposes, including setting up a generator plant and expanding its existing capacity. The capex of the company for this fiscal is about Rs 400-500 crore. This amount will be invested in two places -- in its Phaltan production site and Pune laboratory. Earlier this year, the company launched three new plants at Phaltan in Maharashtra's Satara district. These plants consist of a unit producing engines for commercial vehicles, power generation and industrial markets, an engine rebuilding centre and a facility for remaking engines and components.
The company will set up a generator plant in Phaltan. It will have a capacity to produce 40,000 units per year and the plant will be operational within next one year. The company will invest Rs 80-100 crore for setting up the plant. Besides, the company wills double the production capacity of 6.0 litre and 7.0 litre engines from 60,000 units by April 2012. The plan is to have 90,000 units capacity by September this year. It will be further expanded to 1, 20,000 units by April next year. This expansion exercise is likely to incur an expenditure of about Rs 100 crore.
The entire amount will come from internal accruals. This fiscal, the growth will be slowed down because of a very high base effect during 2010-11. The group is looking at 20 per cent growth in this fiscal
Company Name | CMP |
Cummins India | 2884.70 |
Greaves Cotton | 238.95 |
Swaraj Engines | 2904.30 |
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