Bay Capital Investments has reportedly sold 9.2 lakh shares or 0.59% stake of Westlife Development through the open market route. The shares were sold on an average price of Rs 417.76 valuing the transaction to Rs 38.55 crore.
On the other hand, WF India Reconnaissance Fund has bought 9.2 lakh shares or 0.59% stake of Westlife Development the open market route. The shares were purchased on an average price of Rs 417.82 valuing the transaction to Rs 38.58 crore.
Westlife Development (Dhanprayog Investments) Company was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 under Certificate of Registration No. 28593 dated October 30, 1982. Earlier, the company was engaged in investment and lending activities and was registered as a Non-Banking Financial Institution with the Reserve Bank of India.
Company Name | CMP |
Westlife Development | 732.95 |
Restau. Brands Asia | 76.38 |
Barbeque-Nation Hosp | 399.40 |
Coffee Day Enter. | 28.88 |
Speciality Restauran | 145.70 |
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