Credit rating agency, CRISIL Research has maintained fundamental grading of 3/5 on Navin Fluorine International. The grade indicates that the company’s fundamentals are ‘superior’ relative to other listed equity securities in India. The rating agency has assigned valuation grade of 4/5 to the company.
The company’s core business revenues grew by only 5 percent as demand for its products was sluggish due to weak macroeconomic environment globally. Moreover, the company’s core business revenues are expected to grow at 2 percent CAGR to Rs 480 crore in FY15, however overall revenues are expected to decline as carbon credit income has stopped from Q1FY14.
Navin Fluorine owns one of India’s largest integrated flurochemicals complexes. It produces a wide range of flurochemicals in the bulk and specialty segment. It has developed more than 40 products on commercial scale using indigenously built multipurpose plants and product technologies.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Chemicals | 1058.50 |
SRF | 2261.20 |
Pidilite Inds. | 2936.30 |
Aarti Inds | 413.10 |
Atul | 7099.70 |
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