Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 0 | NSE: MADHAVBAUG | Hospital & Healthcare Services | Small Cap

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Overall Rating
M-Cap below 500cr. High Risk from low Liquidity Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation


3. Price Trend

Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories stock performance -

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P/E Ratio (SA):
Market Cap:
109.4 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year’s financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd is a below average quality company.

2. Is Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Undervalued zone.

3. Is Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Weak which suggest that the price of Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd is likely to Fall in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd has not performed well majority of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is not good

Value Creation

Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide

ROCE % 9%4.7%7.7%22.5%19.9%5.3%-
Value Creation

Growth Parameters

Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide

Sales 62.575.252.374.79997.397
Sales YoY Gr.-20.4%-30.5%42.9%32.6%-1.7%-
Adj EPS 0.7-
YoY Gr.--212.7%NA489.3%49.7%-82.8%-
BVPS (₹) 001434.138.839.639.6
Adj Net
Cash Flow from Ops.
Debt/CF from Ops.


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Sales NA9.3%23%-1.7%
Adj EPS NA3.7%14.9%-82.8%
Share Price - - -18.4% -46.5%

Key Financial Parameters

Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide

Return on
Equity %
Op. Profit
Mgn %
Net Profit
Mgn %
Debt to
Working Cap
Cash Conv.

Recent Performance Summary

Sales growth is growing at healthy rate in last 3 years 23.03%

Net Profit is growing at healthy rate in last 3 years 14.92%

Return on Equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 2.50%

Sales growth is not so good in last 4 quarters at 0.00%

Latest Financials - Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 1 1.9
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 97.3 99.3
BVPS (₹.) 39.6 40.1
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 31 32
P/BV 2.63 2.59
PE 104.68 55.24
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 0.00 / 0.00
All Time Low / High (₹) - / -
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 109
Equity (₹ Cr.) 10.5
Face Value (₹) 10
Industry PE 38.3

Management X-Ray of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab:

Shareholding Pattern

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Event Update

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Analyst's Notes

No data found!

Key Ratios of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Sales (Cr.)

ROE (%)

ROCE (%)

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Operating Expenses 597249679093
Manufacturing Costs233333
Material Costs172117222828
Employee Cost 152113182125
Other Costs 252716243838
Operating Profit 333794
Operating Profit Margin (%) 5.0%3.9%6.3%9.8%9.1%4.1%
Other Income 000012
Interest 111111
Depreciation 222233
Exceptional Items 000000
Profit Before Tax 100571
Tax 000120
Profit After Tax 0-10351
PAT Margin (%) 0.8%-0.7%0.7%4.6%5.2%1.1%
Adjusted EPS (₹)0.7-
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)0%0%0%0%5%0%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders Fund 9810364142
Share Capital 000111111
Reserves 9810253031
Minority Interest000000
Long Term Debt000000
Short Term Debt961102
Trade Payables687798
Others Liabilities 5786520
Total Liabilities 292926505571

Fixed Assets

Gross Block212327293540
Accumulated Depreciation5710121417
Net Fixed Assets161617172122
CWIP 240123
Investments 000211511
Trade Receivables423467
Cash Equivalents 1113216
Others Assets333369
Total Assets 292926505571

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity 286-130-3
PBT 102571
Adjustment 232212
Changes in Working Capital -153-19-6-6
Tax Paid 00-1-1-3-1
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -10-4-1-810
Capex -9-4-1-3-7-5
Net Investments 000-574
Others -100011
Cash Flow From Financing Activity 8-4-522-114
Net Proceeds from Shares 0002300
Net Proceeds from Borrowing 0000-10
Interest Paid -1-10000
Dividend Paid 000000
Others 8-3-50015
Net Cash Flow -1002-111
ROE (%)5.65-6.564.3615.213.532.54
ROCE (%)9.044.737.6922.5319.945.26
Asset Turnover Ratio2.162.591.911.971.881.54
PAT to CFO Conversion(x)N/AN/AN/A-4.330-3
Working Capital Days
Receivable Days211518151826
Inventory Days2116168912
Payable Days138124162117108114

Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd Stock News

Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab on 01-Jan-1970 05:30 is ₹0.00.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 01-Jan-1970 05:30 the market cap of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab stood at ₹109.4.
The latest P/E ratio of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab as of 01-Jan-1970 05:30 is 104.7.
The latest P/B ratio of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab as of 01-Jan-1970 05:30 is 2.63.
The 52-week high of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab is ₹0.00 and the 52-week low is ₹0.00.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Vaidya Sane Ayur Lab is ₹97.33 ( Cr.) .

About Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories Ltd

Vaidya Sane Ayurved Laboratories (Madhavbaug) is a unique medical service institution that strives to treat chronic ailments like cardiac disease, diabetes, hypertension and obesity with the distinctive outlook of amalgamating technology with traditional healing of Ayurveda. The company’s approach to treatment using non-invasive, multidisciplinary and innovative therapies which has helped establish it as a dependable option for treating the chronic ailments. It is a health care provider primarily in the India’s chronic care ecosystem. It provides its healthcare services through Madhavbaug clinics. As on November 30, 2021, the company operates 274 clinics across Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Delhi and Chhattisgarh. Out of these 52 are company owned and 222 are franchise clinics. It also operates two cardiac prevention and rehabilitation hospitals in Khopoli and Nagpur respectively. Currently, the company’s network includes 274 Clinics and 2 Fully equipped Hospital. 

At the company’s clinics and hospitals, it use modern diagnostics, diet and physiotherapy and advanced Ayurveda to provide Heart disease, Diabetes, Hypertension & Obesity reversal treatments to its patients. This helps in improving the exercise tolerance of patients - improvement in grade of symptoms, improvement in maximum oxygen uptake, reduction in Hba1c, and metabolic equivalents (METs).

Business area of the company

The company is a medical service institution engaged in the treatment of chronic ailments like cardiac disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity by combining modern technology with the traditional Ayurveda practices.

Major Events and Milestones

  • 2006: First Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation Hospital at Khopoli and opening of first Madhavbaug Clinic at Dombivili, Maharashtra.
  • 2009: Setting up of inhouse research and development team at Thane.
  • 2012: First Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation Hospital at Nagpur.
  • 2013: Opening of 100th Madhavbaug Clinic at Kankavli, Ratnagiri
  • 2014: Arogyam Hriday Sampada launched with a Mission to create awareness of heart disease.
  • 2015: Launch of therapies for risk factors such as Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension at Madhavbaug Clinics.
  • 2016: Disease wise diet kits introduced at Madhavbaug Clinics.
  • 2016: Madhavbaug Institute of Preventive Cardiology established with MUHS.
  • 2017: Entered into the state of Madhya Pradesh
  • 2017: Madhavbaug Clinics received Frost and Sullivan’s 2017 India Best Practices Award.
  • 2017: Randomised controlled trial by Madhavbaug published in Indian Heart Journal, Official publication of Cardiological Society of India.
  • 2018: Madhavbaug Clinics enters in India Book of Records for Conducting GTT of 661 diabetic patients in single day at 13 different locations.
  • 2018: Participated as main sponsor of World Ayurved Congress 2018 held at Ahmedabad.
  • 2018: Opening of 200th Madhavbaug Clinic at Nanded, Maharashtra.
  • 2018: Entered into the state of Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
  • 2019: Entered into the state of Delhi.
  • 2019: Madhavbaug introduced research based heart blockage management program.
  • 2019: Achieved new registrations of over 90,000 patients and more than 27,000 stress tests conducted and over 3,00,000 panchkarma procedures performed.
  • 2020: Launch of MIB Pulse Mobile Application for patient engagement.
  • 2020: Entered into the state of Karnataka
  • 2021: MIB Pulse Mobile Application achieved over 1,00,000 downloads.
  • 2021: Opening of 250th Madhavbaug Clinic at Vashi.
  • 2020: Entered into the state of Chhattisgarh.
  • 2021: Research trial on one year follow-up of Diabetes patients treated by Madhavbaug published in Journal of Association of Physicians of India.
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