The key valuation ratios of Laurus Labs Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Overvalued zone.
3. Is Laurus Labs Ltd a good buy now?
The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Strong which suggest that the price of Laurus Labs Ltd is likely to Rise in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing
10 Year X-Ray of Laurus Labs:
Analysis of Financial Track Record
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.
What is a Financial Track Record? How to read this chart in order to understand the data present here?
Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Laurus Labs Ltd has performed well in majority of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is very good
Value Creation ⓘ
Value Creation Index Colour Code Guide
ROCE % ⓘ
Value Creation Index ⓘ
Growth Parameters ⓘ
Growth Parameters Colour Code Guide
Sales ⓘ
Sales YoY Gr.
Adj EPS ⓘ
YoY Gr.
BVPS (₹) ⓘ
Adj Net Profit ⓘ
Cash Flow from Ops. ⓘ
Debt/CF from Ops. ⓘ
CAGR Colour Code Guide
9 Years
5 Years
3 Years
1 Years
Sales ⓘ
Adj EPS ⓘ
Share Price
Key Financial Parameters ⓘ
Performance Ratio Colour Code Guide
Return on Equity % ⓘ
Op. Profit Mgn % ⓘ
Net Profit Mgn % ⓘ
Debt to Equity ⓘ
Working Cap Days ⓘ
Cash Conv. Cycle ⓘ
Recent Performance Summary
Debt to equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 0.61
Return on Equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 4.80%
Sales growth has been subdued in last 3 years 1.55%
Net Profit has been subdued in last 3 years -47.11%
Sales growth is not so good in last 4 quarters at 5.93%
Latest Financials - Laurus Labs Ltd.
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.)
BVPS (₹.) ⓘ
Reserves (₹ Cr.) ⓘ
P/BV ⓘ
PE ⓘ
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹)
386.85 / 646.25
All Time Low / High (₹)
59.60 / 723.55
Market Cap (₹ Cr.)
Equity (₹ Cr.)
Face Value (₹)
Industry PE ⓘ
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Net Profit: Rs. 92 crore (+300% YoY); 9M Net Profit: Rs. 125 crore (+47% YoY).
Segment-Wise Performance:
CDMO Growth: Strong momentum with 89% YoY growth in Q3 and 33% YoY in 9M, driven by advanced clinical projects and asset ramp-ups. Over 90 active projects and new facility expansions position this segment for sustained growth.
API Performance: Q3 revenue declined 7% YoY due to lower ARV volumes; 9M revenue dipped 3% YoY. Positive order bookings and expanding CMO engagements are expected to drive recovery in FY26.
FDF Expansion: Q3 revenue grew 19% YoY, supported by robust ARV demand (+40%) and developed market sales (+20%). Strategic partnerships and tech transfers under the KRKA JV are on track for capacity enhancement by FY26.
Bio Division: Q3 revenue increased 14% YoY, with 9M performance steady at Rs. 131 crore. A Rs. 120 crore equity infusion will expand fermentation capacity, with new operations set to commence by FY26.
Future Outlook:
Revenue acceleration in Q4 driven by scheduled CDMO deliveries and increasing order book visibility.
Sustained margin improvement through process optimization and asset utilization ramp-up.
Strategic CAPEX investments in high-value CMO/CDMO projects to fuel long-term growth.
Operating Leverage is expected to play out as CDMO capacity utilization increases.
Laurus Labs maintains strong growth outlook for FY25 - Project deliveries and CAPEX investments on track, CMO/CDMO demand remains robust. H2 expected to see gains from facility expansions, late-phase NCE Projects, and EBITDA Margin improvements, supporting long-term growth prospects.
Laurus Labs Q2 & H2 FY25 Highlights:
Revenue: Rs. 1,224 crore in Q2 FY25, with stable performance YoY. H1 FY25 revenues reached Rs. 2,419 crore, a 1% growth YoY.
Gross Margins: Expanded to 55.2% in Q2 and 55.1% for H1, reflecting a robust business mix.
EBITDA: Rs. 182 crore in Q2, resulting in a 14.9% margin, slightly down from last year due to lower asset utilization.
Net Profit: Rs. 20 crore for Q2 FY25, reflecting a 46% decline due to increased investments and upfront project costs.
CDMO Growth: Strong momentum in CDMO-Synthesis with 33% growth YoY in Q2, driven by advanced clinical projects and increasing customer demand.
Outlook: Laurus remains on track for a stronger H2, supported by key project deliveries, improved facility utilization, and enhanced EBITDA margins.
Flat revenue as CDMO business is yet to ramp up. EBITDA and PAT remained subdued on account of high capital and operational expenditure linked to the CDMO business. Gross margins improved due to favorable product mix.
Particulars (in Rs. Crores)
YoY Trend
Subdued demand in CDMO, Oncology API business has shown strong growth
Gross Margin
+450 bps
Aided by change in product mix
+10 bps
PAT subdued due to high interest and depreciation on account of expansion
Quarterly Call: Key Takeaways
CDMO: The Animal health facility is undergoing an early ramp-up phase and has begun commercial validations. The Crop Protection Ingredients Facility is expected to be completed by the end of FY25.
New Agreement Signed: New Long-term CMO agreement has been signed inthe formulations segments with supplies commencing in FY27. Significant amount of this Capex will be funded by the customer. The formulations capacity will increase from 10 billion units to 13 billion units over the next 18 months.
CAPEX: The company incurred a capex of Rs. 125 Cr in Q1FY25. The Overall Capex for the next two years is estimated to be between Rs. 1800 and Rs. 2000 Crores, with majority earmarked for CDMO.
Guidance: Revenue and Profits will improve in H2FY25 as CDMO deliveries begin.
Please refer to the earlier Stock Pulse on Laurus Labs for more details about the company.
We are initiating a Buy Call on Laurus Labs for the following reasons:
Future Prospects:
1. ARV (FDF & API): The expectations of growth from the ARV business are low as it is a maturing market. More importantly, as this business is cost sensitive, has lower margins and depends on global fund contributions rather than free market practices, the business has highest opportunity cost compared to alternatives. There is very little, if at all, capital being invested into this business. The revenues are expected to be around Rs. 2,500 crores and pricing is expected to remain stable. The company won a 20% market share in the India NACO tender and will compete in the 2026 South Africa Tender.
2. FDF (non-ARV): Between FY22 and FY24, Rs. 600 crores have been invested in FDF manufacturing facilities to increase capacity by 4 bn units to 10 bn units from the existing 6 bn units. Of this 1 bn units are earmarked for Contract Manufacturing while 3 billion units are earmarked for non-ARV formulations, and none for ARV. The company has an option to increase capacity further by 5bn over time as demand materialises. This capacity is in the ramp up phase and utilisation has begun in the latter half of FY24.
3. API (non-ARV): Between FY22 and FY24, Rs. 1,050 crores have been invested in API manufacturing facilities to increase capacity by more than 3,000 KL in reactor volumes, from 4,200 KL in FY21 to 7,762 KL in FY24. This API capacity is fungible, and can, and will be used to fulfil the API requirements of the CDMO and CMO business. Such APIs would be more complex with 10-15 steps, leading to higher margins due to the scientific complexity.
4. CDMO: Rs. 650 crores have been earmarked exclusively for CDMO projects, making it the largest expansion project within the business (The Rs. 650 crores excludes the fungible API capacity that would be used for CDMO projects. CDMO including API makes this the largest project). The growth is expected to be visible FY25 onward through its multi-year Animal Health and Crop Protection contracts. While these projects are ongoing, there is no real contribution as these projects scale up post validation and qualification. The real contribution from these projects will be visible in FY26 and FY27.
The company witnessed a significant increase in RFPs (Requests for Proposals) in FY24 from leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The company entered a JV with KRKA (51%) which has an extensive pipeline in innovative generics of +170 pipeline products (CVS, CNS, GI, Diabetic). The total investment is expected to be 50 million euros (Rs. 450 crores) split as 51/49 between KRKA and Laurus Labs. This will increase Laurus Labs’ presence in the US market and furthermore showcases the company’s strong competitive positioning.
5. Bio: A new 2Mn Litre commercial scale facility will be operational with 700 KL in June 2026 (Phase 1) and the rest in the subsequent 12 months. This expansion marks an 8x growth over the current capacity of 240 KL across R1 and R2, which will be fully utilised in FY25. While such an expansion is large, it may take time to scale up and the costs associated with this expansion may be front ended. Nevertheless, a huge expansion upfront reduces the need for multiple small expansions that may be more costly and time consuming.
6. Deleveraging: The Company’s debt currently stands at about Rs. 2,600 crores; this debt is expected to reduce significantly over FY25 and FY26, which would lead to interest cost savings, lower debt to equity and stronger growth prospects.
7. Future Capex: The company is still in its expansion phase and is expected invest around Rs. 700 crores to expand its CDMO and Bio divisions in FY25.
1. Lumpiness and Uncertainty:
The pharmaceutical business is lumpy, especially in the case of Laurus Labs. The ARV business largely depends on tenders by governments and governmental aid allocations. Any change in government policies, political interests or fiscal policy could lead to volatility in the ARV segment.
The CDMO business is lumpy as well. This is due to the nature of contracts, which could either be short term or long term, with short term contracts causing volatility as seen in FY23. Moreover, the scale up of molecules from pre-clinical to Phase 1, 2, and 3 requires different levels of capacity requirements. As the progression of molecules is uncertain and is dependent on FDA approval, this business has a high level of uncertainty. Such uncertainty can be controlled by venturing into lower risk CDMO contracts across crop and animal health, but the human pharmaceutical business will be inherently lumpy. The lumpiness can be increased by interest rate risk as a large number of small clients depend on funding which varies with interest rates.
2. FDA Non-Compliance Risk:
This is by far the most important risk. Non-compliance with FDA standards can lead to Voluntary Action Initiated (VAI) and Official Action Initiated (OAI) based on Form 483 observations, with the latter being extremely serious. This could lead to import alerts and product recalls. However, innovators would not wait until matters reach high levels of seriousness and would halt business even at lower levels of observations. This is primarily due to the fact that at the innovation level, delays can be extremely expensive as each molecule can cost billions. Post approval, the patented molecules have a limited period patent protection that leads to high profits, and any delays can lead to significant loss in profitability. These are risks that innovators are extremely keen to avoid.
Overall, Laurus has one of the best compliance track records and holds all its facilities to higher standards than those required. In general, client audits are much more stringent than FDA audits due to the aforementioned risk. Since Laurus already works with 6 out of 10 of the world’s largest innovators, there are reasonable assurances about the company’s compliances. While small issues may arise, there is a low probability of a significant FDA risk.
Laurus Labs is an Indian pharmaceutical company specializing in active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), generic formulations, and custom synthesis. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Hyderabad, the company is a key player in the global pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the areas of antiretroviral, oncology, cardiovascular, and anti-diabetic therapies. Laurus Labs operates multiple manufacturing facilities, all of which are approved by major regulatory agencies like the US FDA and WHO.
The company’s business is divided into four segments: (a) Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, (b) Finished Dosage Form (FDF), (c) Contract Development & Manufacturing (CDMO), and (d) Biologics. The divisional segmentation is given below.
Source: Q4FY24 Investor Presentation
Financial Performance: Cause for Concern or Opportunity?
As the financials show, the company’s performance has deteriorated since 2021. The revenues have grown at 2% CAGR which is a remarkable underperformance. However, the remarkable underperformance is more evidently visible in the EBITDA and PAT, which have fallen at a 3 year rate of 20% and 45% respectively. The slight fall in gross profit is merely attributable to a change in the product mix and is not a significant cause for concern.
However, it is our opinion that the stressed financial situation represents a new phase of growth for the company. A large amount of expenses related to growth are currently expensed rather than capitalised which leads to an optically stressed income statement.
While the revenue has only grown at 2% annually since 2021, the various expenses have grown at a faster rate, highlighting that the decrease in profitability is growth related. Since 2021, depreciation, employee costs, and operating and manufacturing costs have increased by 15%, 20% and 21% on an annualised basis. The increase in depreciation is due to an increase in assets and the increase in employee costs, research & development, and operating & manufacturing costs are in order to utilise these assets. The increase in these expenses as a percentage of sales highlights that the additional capacities have not generated revenue due to the amount of time required for optimal capacity utilisation. As a result, the current financials show a significant operating deleverage which may soon reverse.
Segmental Breakdown:
The segmental breakup clearly shows a shift in the product mix over the last 5 years. The business is increasingly shifting towards FDF, CDMO and Biologics all of which have superior gross margins than the API business. The business is in the midst of transformation from an API manufacturer which is lower in the pharmaceutical value chain to a player higher in the value chainwithformulations, contract development and manufacturing, and biologics.
Segmental Performance:
1. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients:
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) are the biologically active components in medications that produce the desired effects.
While API sales have fallen at an annualised rate of 1%, the fall in sales of Anti-Viral APIs (mainly HIV) is the major cause due to both its size and poor performance. In FY21, sales of Anti-Viral APIs were significantly higher due to a higher need for inventory arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic. The sales fell significantly in FY22 due to destocking and are now normalised at around Rs. 1500 crores.The API business has the lowest gross margins among all divisions at less than 50%, which reduces the impact of a decrease in sales on the gross profit. Conversely, a strong increase in anti-viral API sales can look like a decrease in gross margins. This segment acts as a cash cow to fund newer ventures that create more value.
During this period, sales on oncological and other APIs increased, with the oncology segment growing at an annualised rate of 19%, which suggests strong demand for the company’s oncological APIs, albeit small base.
2. Finished Dosage Form (FDF):
Finished Dosage Form (FDF) refers to a pharmaceutical product that has been processed and manufactured into its final form ready for consumer use. This includes all the processes from the raw active ingredients to the final product that patients take.
* Not reported but calculated based on assumptions
Since the complete scale up of the FDF division in FY21, there has been no overall growth. This is attributable to the fall in the ARV business, similar to that experienced by the API segment. The FDF Business is expected to have a 60%+ gross margin. Therefore, the fall in sales has had a higher impact on gross profit than sales. The current 6 billion unit capacity is used for Contract Manufacturing (20%), ARV (40%) and non-ARV (40%)
3. CDMO:
The CDMO business is one of the fastest growing business segments in the company. Over the last 3 years and 5 years, this division has grown at a CAGR of 21% and 25% respectively. More importantly, this growth has been achieved even after the loss of a huge one-time purchase order aided sales growth of 140% from Rs. 917 crores in FY22 to Rs. 2,167 in FY23. This business is expected to have a higher gross margin than the formulations business, making it extremely important from the perspective of value creation. Incremental money allocated to this business would yield higher returns over time.
4. Biologics:
*Only partial revenue considered due to the timing of acquisition. Revenues for FY20 and H1FY21 are Rs. 41 crores and Rs. 29 crores respectively.
Laurus Bio manufactures 100% Animal Origin Free products, growth factors, and cell-culture media supplements. The company’s products are used in industries such as stem cells and regenerative medicine, vaccines and biological drugs, cultured meat, and cell-culture media manufacturing. In addition, Laurus Bio offers precision fermentation expertise as a CDMO service to novel protein companies and bio-manufacturers across healthcare, food, nutrition, personal care, and bio-based materials markets. The services span across the microbial precision fermentation value-chain from clone development, strain engineering, bio-process development, and scale-up to large-scale commercial manufacturing, supporting customers at every step of their journey. This business is expected to have the highest gross margin among all divisions.
Laurus Labs entered the biologics segment in 2021 through the acquisition of Richcore Lifesciences for Rs. 247 crores for a 72.55% stake (increased to 91.14% as on March 31, 2024). While the acquisition initially looked expensive, the rapid scale up since has proved the acquisition to be worthwhile. The company acquired the capabilities as it had the resources to commercialise such capabilities. This growth is primarily due to the increased utilisation of existing facilities, R1 and R2. Since the acquisition, Laurus Labs has expanded R1 from 10.75 KL to 15 KL, and R2 from 180 KL to 225 KL.
The future value hinges on decent performance from the ARV segment due to its high weightage, and the utilisation of current capacity which remains unseen in the revenues of the company.
Laurus Labs Ltd: Result Update - Q2 FY24 - 21 Oct 2023
YoY Trend
Underlying revenues increased by 18% YoY ex-large order (CDMO*) in the base quarter
-1310 bps
QoQ margin expanded
QoQ improvement, YoY not comparable
Results are muted YoY but QoQ improvement is seen, the company signed first agro chem supply contract- yet to start commercial production. *CDMO- Contract development and manufacturing organization.
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Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Laurus Labs on 26-Mar-2025 10:01 is ₹615.5.
What is the market cap of Laurus Labs?
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 26-Mar-2025 10:01 the market cap of Laurus Labs stood at ₹33,147.9.
What is the P/E ratio of Laurus Labs?
The latest P/E ratio of Laurus Labs as of 26-Mar-2025 10:01 is 132.7.
What is the P/B ratio of Laurus Labs?
The latest P/B ratio of Laurus Labs as of 26-Mar-2025 10:01 is 7.66.
What is the 52-week high and low of Laurus Labs?
The 52-week high of Laurus Labs is ₹646.2 and the 52-week low is ₹386.9.
What is the TTM revenue of Laurus Labs?
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Laurus Labs is ₹4,981 ( Cr.) .
About Laurus Labs Ltd
The company was originally incorporated as Laurus Labs Private Limited on September 19, 2005 at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. The company was subsequently converted into a public limited company and its name was changed to Laurus Labs Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name on conversion to a public limited company was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, located at Hyderabad (RoC) on February 12, 2007. Subsequently the name of the company was changed to Aptuit Laurus Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued by the RoC on July 19, 2007. Thereafter, the cmpany was converted into a private limited company and its name was changed to Aptuit Laurus Private Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name on conversion to a private limited company was issued by the RoC on July 24, 2007. Subsequently the name of the company was changed to Laurus Labs Private Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued by the RoC on February 21, 2012. The company was converted into a public limited company and the name of the company was changed to Laurus Labs Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name on conversion to a public limited company was issued by the RoC on August 16, 2016.
Laurus Labs Limited is a public company domiciled in India and is incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act applicable in India. Its shares are listed on two recognised stock exchanges in India. Laurus Labs develop innovative medicines that greatly improve health outcomes for patients with an unremitting focus on quality and affordability. It works with all the top generic pharmaceutical companies in the world. The company sells its APIs in many countries. Its major focus areas include anti-retroviral, Hepatitis C and Oncology drugs. Continuous innovation is the lifeblood of its business. Therefore, it undertake dedicated R&D in areas that have significant growth potential. The company has commercialised various products since inception across three distinct business units: Generics API, Generics FDF and Synthesis.
Business area the company
Laurus Labs offers broad and integrated portfolio of Active Pharma Ingredients (API) including intermediates, Generic Finished dosage forms (FDF) and Contract Research services to cater to the needs of the global pharmaceutical industry.
Business units
Generics API
Generics FDF
Laurus wins ‘API Supplier of the Year’ Award- Laurus Labs has been named as the ‘API Supplier of the Year- 2017’ at the Global Generics and Biosimilars Awards. These awards recognize companies that implement best practices in the global pharmaceutical industry.
National Safety Award- Laurus Labs received the prestigious National Safety Award for best safety performance from DGFASLI, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
Laurus Labs certified as ‘Great Place to Work’ for the year 2018- Laurus Labs has been certified as a ‘Great Place to Work’, in the large-sized organization category in India, in the 2018 edition of Great Place to Work - a study by the Great Place to Work Institute. It is an important step for the organisation in its journey to build a high-trust, high performance culture.
Best Work Places- Laurus Labs is recognised as one of the Best Work Places in Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals & Health Care sectors for the year 2018.
Express Pharma Excellence Award 2019- Laurus Labs received the Indian Express Pharma Excellence Award 2019.
Global Generics and Biosimilars API Supplier of the Year Award- Laurus Labs won the Global Generics and Biosimilars API Supplier of the Year award. The award was presented by Generics Bulletin - in association with IQVIA - at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid on October 9, 2018.
IconSWM Excellence Award 2018 Laurus Labs received the ‘IconSWM Excellence Award 2018’ for the excellence shown in Resource-efficient Industry. IconSWM stands for International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management. 8th IconSWM conference organised with the collaboration of the Andhra Pradesh government.
National Safety Award- The company (Unit 1 and Unit 3) won the prestigious National Safety Award for best safety performance for 2017 from DGFASLI, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
Pharmexcil Award- Laurus Labs the Pharmexcil Outstanding Export Performance Award 2018 -19.
Great Place to Work- Laurus Labs was certified as Great Place to Work for the second consecutive year in 2019-20.
Fortune 500 Company- Laurus Labs continue to feature in the Fortune 500 Companies List in India since 2017.
Set up API manufacturing facility Unit-I at Visakhapatnam
Secured investment from Aptuit Singapore of Rs 1.02 billion
Executed manufacturing and services agreements with three multinational companies
Commenced operations at its R&D Centre
Filed its first-ever Drug Master File
Commenced operations at Unit-I
Supplied company’s first product to the US
DSIR recognised its R&D Centre
Commercialised four nutritional fine chemicals
Launched first product in Europe
Entered into a license agreement with an international organisation and a multinational company to manufacture and sell its products in the ARV segment
Received USFDA, TGA and UK MHRA certification for the Unit 1, Vishakhapatnam
Received USFDA and KFDA certification for its R&D Centre
Received KFDA certification for Unit 1
Secured investment of INR 490 million from FIL Capital Management and FIP through primary investment and
Secondary acquisition of Aptuit’s majority stake along with additional investments by one of its promoters
Crossed Rs 10 billion in revenues
Received WHO approval for Unit-I
Acquired 135 acres in Visakhapatnam for expansion
Received an investment of Rs 3000 million from Bluewater
Commenced construction of Unit 2
Incorporated Laurus Inc. in Delaware, US as a wholly-owned subsidiary
Commenced commercial operations at Unit 3, Visakhapatnam
Acquired 27% stake in Sriam Labs Private Limited, Hyderabad
Successful inspection by WHO, NIP Hungary and US FDA for Unit 1 and Unit 3 manufacturing sites
Successful USFDA inspection of the kilo-lab facility at its R&D Centre
Received approval from BfArM Germany for Unit 2 at Vishakhapatnam
Crossed Rs 15 billion in revenues
Filed first ANDA with the USFDA and first dossier with the WHO
Successful USFDA inspection of Unit 1, 2 & 3 API manufacturing facilities with no critical observations. (Unit 2 has no 483 observations)
Successful WHO inspection of Units 1, 2 & 3
Successful BGV Hamburg (German Regulatory Authority) inspection of Unit 2 (FDF) with no critical or major observations
Crossed INR 20 billion of revenue. Commenced commercial operations from Unit 4.
Incorporated a subsidiary in Germany.
Unit 2-Formulations, inspected by USFDA with Zero 483 observations.
Launched maiden FDF product Tenofovir in USA, Canada and emerging markets.
Certified as Great Place to Work for the year 2018.
Unit 6 - EIR Received from USFDA
Entered into Strategic partnership with Global Fund for 3.5 years.
Executed a major tender order and delivered ahead of schedule
Executed highest on-time delivery in FDF orders.
Maiden EIR received for Unit 4
Incorporated Laurus Synthesis Pvt. Ltd
Acquired assets of an API Unit in Vizag
Acquired Aspen’s South Africa Subsidiary - Laurus Generics SA(PTY) Limited
Incorporated Laurus Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. A Wholly Owned step down subsidiary of Laurus Synthesis Pvt. Ltd.
Acquisition of 72.55% stake in Richcore Life Sciences Pvt Ltd (Laurus Bio)
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than 80%. Funds with less than 5 year data are color-coded Grey.
Quality of Portfolio Holding: Moneyworks4Me has color-coded stocks as Green, Orange and Red based on whether the
company's performance has generated a ROCE above a threshold level (cost of capital) over 10 years (minimum 6 years) and
generated positive Free Cash Flow. For Banks it checks whether ROE is greater than 15% and sales has grown over previous
year. Stocks that perform consistently on these combined metrics are color-coded Green (min score 14 out of 20), Orange
(between 8 and 14) and Red (less than 8 out of 20).
Fund are color-coded Green provided the portfolio has 70% holding in Green stocks but not more than 20% in Red stocks.
Funds with more than 20% Red stocks in the portfolio are color-coded Red. The rest are Orange funds
Funds ranking in screeners: Performance Consistency and Quality are two parameters used for ranking funds for SIP. The
ranking as follows GG, GO, GR, OG, OO, OR, RG, RO and RR.
With the same color-coded funds, the one with the higher Average 3-year rolling returns (over 5 to 10 years), the number
that appears in the Performance tag, ranks higher.
Here is the summary:
The third tag Upside Potential is not relevant for SIP. It is relevant for lumpsum investments in Mutual Funds.
Looking to make the most of market corrections and volatility?
Did you know that market corrections can actually present great opportunities to buy high-quality stocks at discounted prices? By taking advantage of these times of volatility, you can position your portfolio for long-term growth.
At MoneyWorks4me Portfolio Advisory, we specialize in helping investors navigate market fluctuations and build a strong, diversified portfolio. With our collaborative approach, you can maintain control over your investments while benefiting from our expertise and guidance.
If you're interested in learning more and with a minimum portfolio size of 25 L+, we can help you manage your portfolio, no matter the size. let's connect and discuss how we can work together. And as a bonus, we're offering a FREE Portfolio Review using our "Portfolio Manager" tool during our conversation.
So why wait?
Let's get started today and take your portfolio to the next level!
Best Buy Stocks
Do you want to Invest in Undervalued Handpicked stocks and earn high Returns?
Why Buy Quality Stocks
Winning and long lasting portfolio is made of Quality Stocks, but how simple is that?
Important Questions while Buying Stocks
As an Investor most important decision making questions are?
Make an informed decision for Stocks
Invest using an intelligent system with powerful data-driven tools that help you identify opportunities and make informed buy-hold-sell decisions
You can make an informed decision based on:
Q : Quality :- Q Very Good
Q Somewhat Good
Q Not Good
V : Valuation:- V+UnderValued (UV) V Somewhat UV
V Fair Value
V Somewhat OV
V+ OverValued (OV)
Buy quality Stocks when they are available at reasonable prices and supported by an upward price trend and Sell when they are Overvalued using the Decizen Rating System. Covers 3500+ stocks
Make an informed decision for Funds
You can make an informed decision based on:
P : Performance (%)* 14 Very Good
14 Somewhat Good
12 Not Good
Less than 5 year data
Q : Quality of Holding Q Very Good
Q Somewhat Good
Q Not Good
*Color code for outperformance consistency
*Number is average 3 year rolling returns
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