Zomato has debuted at Rs 115.00 on the BSE, up by 39 points or 51.32% from its issue price of Rs 76.
The scrip is currently trading at Rs 123.95, up by 47.95 points or 63.09% from its issue price. It has touched a high and low of Rs 138.00 and Rs 114.00 respectively. So far 382.24 lakh shares were traded on the counter.
The offering which was opened for subscription between July 14, 2021 and July 16, 2021, was subscribed 38.25 times. The portion reserved for qualified institutional buyers (QIB) was subscribed 51.79 times, non-institutional investors attracted 32.96 times subscription and retail segment, 7.45 times. The issue price was fixed at Rs 76 per share i.e. at upper end of price band of Rs 72-76 apiece.
Zomato is an Indian multinational restaurant aggregator and food delivery company founded by Pankaj Chaddah and Deepinder Goyal in 2008. It provides information, menus and user-reviews of restaurants as well as food delivery options from partner restaurants in select cities.