Tiger Global and billionaire Yuri Milner's DST Global have sold a 1.8 per cent stake in online food ordering platform Zomato for Rs 1,412 crore through open market transactions. Axis Mutual Fund, SBI Life Insurance Company, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company, Founders Collective Fund, Morgan Stanley Asia Singapore and Societe Generale, among others were the buyers of the shares of Zomato.
Tiger Global through its affiliate Internet Fund III Pte and DST Global through its investment vehicle Apoletto Asia offloaded the shares on BSE and NSE. Tiger Global offloaded a total of 12,34,86,408 shares on BSE, amounting to a 1.44 per cent stake while Apoletto Asia disposed of 3,19,80,447 shares or around 0.4 per cent shareholding in Zomato.
Zomato is an Indian multinational restaurant aggregator and food delivery company founded by Pankaj Chaddah and Deepinder Goyal in 2008. It provides information, menus and user-reviews of restaurants as well as food delivery options from partner restaurants in select cities.