Tech Mahindra has collaborated with Microsoft to launch a unified workbench on Microsoft Fabric. The workbench will help organizations accelerate adoption of Microsoft Fabric and enable them to create complex data workflows with a simple to use interface. This workbench uses Microsoft Fabric, an all-in-one analytics solution for enterprises including data movement, data science, real-time analytics and business intelligence.
This collaboration will combine the best of Tech Mahindra’s Intellectual Properties (IPs) with Microsoft Fabric capabilities, to help customers fast-track their data-to-insight journey and improve business agility. It will further streamline workflows, optimize data, automate processes, and enhance operational efficiency by 30-40%, thereby reducing costs associated with traditional data management. Customers will have a single dashboard with a unified view of enterprise tools and systems, eliminating silos and enabling improved decision-making.
Tech Mahindra represents the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centric information technology experiences, enabling Enterprises, Associates and the Society to Rise.