Tech Mahindra Ltd.

BSE: 532755 | NSE: TECHM
Large Cap | IT - Software
62.05 (3.78%)
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Tech Mahindra - Quaterly Results

Date: 25-04-2024
Revenue showed a marginal decline at Rs. 104110.00 millions. For the quarter ended March 2024, as compared to corresponding quarter of last year.The Net Profit of the company registered a slight decline of -22.06% to Rs. 5274.00  millions from Rs. 6767.00 millions.The company reported a degrowth in operating Profit to 9709.00 millions from 11230.00 millions.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202403 202303 % Var 202403 202303 % Var 202403 202303 % Var
Sales 104110.00 109385.00 -4.82 420993.00 426573.00 -1.31 420993.00 426573.00 -1.31
Other Income 2727.00 796.00 242.59 12525.00 11283.00 11.01 12525.00 11283.00 11.01
PBIDT 9709.00 11230.00 -13.54 36260.00 58978.00 -38.52 36260.00 58978.00 -38.52
Interest 591.00 569.00 3.87 2464.00 1808.00 36.28 2464.00 1808.00 36.28
PBDT 9118.00 10661.00 -14.47 33796.00 57170.00 -40.89 33796.00 57170.00 -40.89
Depreciation 2044.00 2021.00 1.14 8149.00 8129.00 0.25 8149.00 8129.00 0.25
PBT 7074.00 8640.00 -18.13 25647.00 49041.00 -47.70 25647.00 49041.00 -47.70
TAX 1800.00 1873.00 -3.90 4361.00 11266.00 -61.29 4361.00 11266.00 -61.29
Deferred Tax 422.00 -169.00 -349.70 -1868.00 -761.00 145.47 -1868.00 -761.00 145.47
PAT 5274.00 6767.00 -22.06 21286.00 37775.00 -43.65 21286.00 37775.00 -43.65
Equity 4884.00 4871.00 0.27 4884.00 4871.00 0.27 4884.00 4871.00 0.27
PBIDTM(%) 9.33 10.27 -9.16 8.61 13.83 -37.70 8.61 13.83 -37.70