Tech Mahindra Ltd.

BSE: 532755 | NSE: TECHM
Large Cap | IT - Software
62.05 (3.78%)
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Tech Mahindra - Quaterly Results

Date: 25-04-2024
A slight decline in the revenue of Rs. 104110.00 millions was seen for the March 2024 quarter as against Rs. 109385.00 millions during year-ago period.A slender decline of -22.06% was recorded to Rs. 5274.00  millions from Rs. 6767.00 millions in the corresponding previous quarter.Operating profit for the quarter ended March 2024 decreased to 9709.00 millions as compared to 11230.00 millions of corresponding quarter ended March 2023.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202403 202303 % Var 202403 202303 % Var 202403 202303 % Var
Sales 104110.00 109385.00 -4.82 420993.00 426573.00 -1.31 420993.00 426573.00 -1.31
Other Income 2727.00 796.00 242.59 12525.00 11283.00 11.01 12525.00 11283.00 11.01
PBIDT 9709.00 11230.00 -13.54 36260.00 58978.00 -38.52 36260.00 58978.00 -38.52
Interest 591.00 569.00 3.87 2464.00 1808.00 36.28 2464.00 1808.00 36.28
PBDT 9118.00 10661.00 -14.47 33796.00 57170.00 -40.89 33796.00 57170.00 -40.89
Depreciation 2044.00 2021.00 1.14 8149.00 8129.00 0.25 8149.00 8129.00 0.25
PBT 7074.00 8640.00 -18.13 25647.00 49041.00 -47.70 25647.00 49041.00 -47.70
TAX 1800.00 1873.00 -3.90 4361.00 11266.00 -61.29 4361.00 11266.00 -61.29
Deferred Tax 422.00 -169.00 -349.70 -1868.00 -761.00 145.47 -1868.00 -761.00 145.47
PAT 5274.00 6767.00 -22.06 21286.00 37775.00 -43.65 21286.00 37775.00 -43.65
Equity 4884.00 4871.00 0.27 4884.00 4871.00 0.27 4884.00 4871.00 0.27
PBIDTM(%) 9.33 10.27 -9.16 8.61 13.83 -37.70 8.61 13.83 -37.70