Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has unveiled the All-New Thar ROXX at a high-octane rock concert in Kochi, marking the eve of India’s 78th Independence Day, starting at a price of Rs 12.99 lakh. The Thar ROXX promises to redefine the SUV experience, offering an unmatched combination of luxury, performance, and cutting-edge technology. Built on an All-New platform, the Thar ROXX offers a seamless blend of refined ride quality, precise handling, world-class NVH (Noise, Vibration, and Harshness), and sophisticated driving experience.
It offers exemplary on-road performance while staying true to its legendary off-road prowess. The Thar ROXX prioritises safety and security with over 35 standard safety features. Advanced features on the Thar ROXX include twin HD screens - a touchscreen infotainment system and digital instrument cluster. Also offering Harman Kardon branded audio, the Thar Roxx offers an immersive sound experience. It also boasts a panoramic Skyroof and luxurious Soft touch leatherette dashboard and door trims.
M&M is the flagship company of the Mahindra Group, a multinational conglomerate based in Mumbai, India. Amongst the various business interests of its parent group, the company is mainly involved in the automobile manufacturing. It is one of the leading auto companies of India.