Tata Motors has launched Tata Curvv - The SUV Coupe, at a starting introductory price of Rs 9.99 lakh. Marking a big milestone for the Company and entering the fastest growing mid-SUV segment with ICE options in an innovative and disruptive body style, Tata Motors has launched the Curvv in three engines options, all provided with an Advanced Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission. With the powerful new Hyperion gasoline direct injection engine, 1.2L Revotron petrol engine and the new 1.5L KryoJet diesel engine with the segment’s first Dual Clutch Transmission in Diesel, the Company is giving the consumers a good mix of options to choose from, each suited to their unique needs.
In a high growth segment populated with boxy-SUV body styles, Tata Motors, true to its DNA, has disrupted the category by democratizing the premium SUV Coupe design - a body style that is widely recognized globally for being aspirational. The Curvv is one of its kind in the segment with best-in-class safety, segment first features, multiple and unique powertrain options. Available in six distinct colours - Gold Essence, Daytona Grey, Pristine White, Flame Red, Pure Grey and Opera Blue, the Tata Curvv will be offered in Accomplished, Creative, Pure and Smart personas.
Tata Motors is India’s largest automobile company. Through subsidiaries and associate companies, Tata Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, South Africa and Indonesia. Among them is Jaguar Land Rover, the business comprising the two iconic British brands.