Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has launched the Mahindra Veero, starting at Rs 7.99 Lakh. The Veero offers unparalleled savings with best-in-class mileage, exceptional performance powered by robust multiple engine options, industry-leading safety features, enhanced occupant protection, and a premium cabin experience.
Mahindra Veero sets a new industry standard with first-in-segment tech and features such as a driver-side airbag, reverse parking camera, a 26.03 cm touchscreen infotainment system, steering-mounted controls, and power windows. The Mahindra Veero also boasts best-in-class features, including a payload capacity of 1,600 kg, 3035 mm cargo length, 18.4 km/l mileage for diesel, and a 5.1 m turning radius, making it highly versatile and ideal for urban operations.
M&M is the flagship company of the Mahindra Group, a multinational conglomerate based in Mumbai, India. Amongst the various business interests of its parent group, the company is mainly involved in the automobile manufacturing. It is one of the leading auto companies of India.