HDFC Bank launched its Pragati Savings Account, designed specifically to meet the banking needs of rural and semi-urban people across India. With 51 per cent of its branches in semi-urban and rural areas, the Bank continues to support rural economies and drive financial inclusion. The Pragati Savings Account by HDFC Bank aims to build a comprehensive banking ecosystem for India’s agricultural sector, including farmers (both traditional and those in cattle breeding, fisheries, poultry, and dairy farming), self-employed individuals, rural residents, self-help groups, and cooperatives.
The Bank’s 4600+ branches in semi urban and rural locations will act as touch points to leverage the product to reach about two thirds of India’s population, driving rural economic development. Further, the new offering will bring many industry-first features, such as a partnership with BigHaat, empowering over 17 million farmers with discounts and access to farming resources for improved productivity.
HDFC Bank is one of India’s premier banks providing a wide range of financial products and services using multiple distribution channels including a pan-India network of branches, ATMs, phone banking, net banking and mobile banking.