Manappuram Finance group - has earmarked nearly Rs 1,000 crore for investment over the next four to five years. The company plans to utilize this investment for setting up a chain of 50 sophisticated medical, dental and diagnostics clinics across South India.
Further towards this development, the company will launch its first diagnostics centre and International Dental Hospital in Kaloor (Kochi) on December 10. Equipped with a high performance mammography machine from GE Healthcare, this is the first such installation in Kerala. The centre also offers fully automated microbiology, biochemistry and pathology labs and digital x-ray. Moreover, the centre would provide a triple test - ultrasound scan, mammogram and fine needle aspiration cytology - for early detection of breast diseases.
Besides this, a super specialty medical centre will also come up at the centre shortly that will offer services of expert doctors from all fields of medicine, including cardiology, nephrology, neurology and gastroenterology units.