J Kumar Infraprojects has secured orders worth Rs 280.64 crore from various clients. Of total, the company has received an order worth Rs 193.85 crore for W-271; improvement of various Roads in Cement Concrete in K/East, P/South and P/North wards in Western Suburbs.
The company has received an order worth Rs 77.49 crore for design and construction of Flyovers at Meenatai Thakare Chowk, Almeida Chowk and Sant Namdev Chowk (Telephone Exchange) in Thane City. Moreover, the company has received work orders worth Rs 9.30 crore from various other clients. Meanwhile, the company is currently L1 (lowest bidder) in projects valued at around Rs. 463.84 crore.
J Kumar Infraprojects is engaged in the business of civil engineering construction contractors in Infrastructural projects mainly in roads, flyovers, bridges, commercial and residential buildings, sports complexes, irrigation projects, airport contracts. The company also undertakes the piling of foundation work using hydraulic piling rigs for major projects which are awarded to other contractors.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3660.95 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 431.95 |
NCC | 276.70 |
KEC International | 1223.90 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1280.05 |
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