Kilburn Engineering has bagged various orders aggregating worth Rs 7800 lakh. Of total, the company has won LOI worth Rs 5,100 lakh for 3 nos. Calciner package for soda ash application. The company has secured order worth Rs 1135 lakh for fluidized bed dryer cum cooler & hydrator package for soda ash application. Also, the company bagged contract worth Rs 300 lakh for other drying equipment.
Further, the company has won Export (USA) order worth $1.4 million for rotary dryers, while the company has also got Export LOI worth $0.06 million for instrument & utility gas system for ONGC Offshore platforms.
The company undertakes the design and manufacturing of drying systems for various industries such as carbon black, chemicals, petrochemicals, fertilizers, steel, and food processing. The company has two main lines of products viz. process equipment dryers and food dryers with process equipment dryers accounting for 70% of the company’s turnover.
Company Name | CMP |
BHEL | 202.25 |
Thermax | 4029.10 |
Kirloskar Oil Eng | 946.95 |
GMM Pfaudler | 1194.60 |
Praj Industries | 744.10 |
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