The sales for the September 2021 quarter moved up 28.67% to Rs. 4428.50 millions as compared to Rs. 3441.70 millions during the corresponding quarter last year.A comparatively good net profit growth of 35.05% to Rs. 252.40 millions was reported for the quarter ended September 2021 compared to Rs. 186.90 millions of previous same quarter.Operating Profit saw a handsome growth to 472.90 millions from 425.90 millions in the quarter ended September 2021.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202109 202009 % Var 202109 202009 % Var 202103 202003 % Var
Sales 4428.50 3441.70 28.67 7675.30 5961.90 28.74 11913.70 10148.90 17.39
Other Income 54.70 25.80 112.02 86.20 58.00 48.62 153.60 74.90 105.07
PBIDT 472.90 425.90 11.04 788.30 639.70 23.23 1280.60 760.70 68.34
Interest 70.30 68.60 2.48 134.10 136.50 -1.76 288.00 291.60 -1.23
PBDT 402.60 357.30 12.68 654.20 503.20 30.01 992.60 469.10 111.60
Depreciation 61.70 65.20 -5.37 122.80 130.70 -6.04 253.00 239.70 5.55
PBT 340.90 292.10 16.71 531.40 372.50 42.66 739.60 229.40 222.41
TAX 88.50 105.20 -15.87 135.90 132.00 2.95 236.70 71.70 230.13
Deferred Tax -1.30 -1.30 0.00 -6.50 -5.50 18.18 -23.90 29.40 -181.29
PAT 252.40 186.90 35.05 395.50 240.50 64.45 502.90 157.70 218.90
Equity 197.80 192.60 2.70 197.80 192.60 2.70 196.20 192.60 1.87
PBIDTM(%) 10.68 12.37 -13.71 10.27 10.73 -4.28 10.75 7.50 43.41

NACL Industries Share Price

101.77 1.10 (1.09%)
28-Mar-2025 16:59 View Price Chart
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UPL 636.20
BASF India 4431.60
PI Industries 3424.30
Bayer CropScience 4927.35
Sumitomo Chemical 539.05
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