Raj Oil Mills - Quaterly Results

26 May 2023 Evaluate
A minor change in the total revenue was seen in the March 2023 quarter. The total revenue for the quarter stood at Rs. 382.29 millions against Rs. 367.45 millions during year ago period.Net profit was down at Rs. 0.63  millions against Rs. 7.29 millions recorded in the corresponding quarter a year ago.The net profit spiraled down by -91.36%.Operating profit surged to 13.13 millions from the corresponding previous quarter of 11.02 millions.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202303 202203 % Var 202303 202203 % Var 202303 202203 % Var
Sales 382.29 367.45 4.04 1403.56 1185.55 18.39 1403.56 1185.55 18.39
Other Income 9.72 0.12 8000.00 9.84 0.59 1567.80 9.84 0.59 1567.80
PBIDT 13.13 11.02 19.15 46.98 42.03 11.78 46.98 42.03 11.78
Interest 1.68 0.05 3260.00 1.70 0.45 277.78 1.70 0.45 277.78
PBDT 6.68 10.97 -39.11 40.51 41.58 -2.57 40.51 41.58 -2.57
Depreciation 4.91 2.95 66.44 14.49 12.34 17.42 14.49 12.34 17.42
PBT 1.77 8.02 -77.93 26.02 29.24 -11.01 26.02 29.24 -11.01
TAX 1.14 0.73 56.16 1.78 3.25 -45.23 1.78 3.25 -45.23
Deferred Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PAT 0.63 7.29 -91.36 24.24 25.99 -6.73 24.24 25.99 -6.73
Equity 149.89 149.89 0.00 149.89 149.89 0.00 149.89 149.89 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 3.43 3.00 14.52 3.35 3.55 -5.59 3.35 3.55 -5.59

Raj Oil Mills Share Price

44.75 0.11 (0.25%)
13-Mar-2025 16:59 View Price Chart
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