The total revenue for the quarter ended September 2023 remained nearly unchanged at Rs. 5867.70 millions.Net Profit of the company move down -71.41% to Rs. 85.80  millions from Rs. 300.10 millions  in the same quarter last year.Operating Profit reported a sharp decline to 310.30 millions from 584.60 millions in the corresponding previous quarter.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202309 202209 % Var 202309 202209 % Var 202303 202203 % Var
Sales 5867.70 5649.10 3.87 9727.80 10402.50 -6.49 21160.00 16333.50 29.55
Other Income 10.00 42.60 -76.53 51.50 71.90 -28.37 125.50 164.00 -23.48
PBIDT 310.30 584.60 -46.92 15.30 948.00 -98.39 2077.70 1572.50 32.13
Interest 152.70 116.20 31.41 300.20 209.80 43.09 440.90 298.40 47.75
PBDT 157.60 468.40 -66.35 -284.90 738.20 -138.59 1636.80 1274.10 28.47
Depreciation 46.40 67.20 -30.95 90.20 132.90 -32.13 259.40 249.50 3.97
PBT 111.20 401.20 -72.28 -375.10 605.30 -161.97 1377.40 1024.60 34.43
TAX 25.40 101.10 -74.88 -94.90 153.90 -161.66 349.50 264.20 32.29
Deferred Tax 25.40 -5.10 -598.04 -94.90 -6.70 1316.42 -7.80 -4.90 59.18
PAT 85.80 300.10 -71.41 -280.20 451.40 -162.07 1027.90 760.40 35.18
Equity 198.80 198.40 0.20 198.80 198.40 0.20 198.80 198.30 0.25
PBIDTM(%) 5.29 10.35 -48.90 0.16 9.11 -98.27 9.82 9.63 1.99

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105.50 5.22 (5.21%)
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