Credit rating agency, CRISIL Research has assigned a CRISIL IER fundamental grade of ‘4/5’ to Power Finance Corporation (PFC). The grade indicates that the company’s fundamentals are superior relative to other listed equity securities in India. The rating agency has also assigned a valuation grade of 5/5 to the company.
The grades are not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold the graded instrument, or a comment on the graded instrument’s future market price or its suitability for a particular investor.
The assigned fundamental grade takes into account PFC’s leading position in power sector financing, accounting for 20% of the credit flow to the sector. The grade factors in PFC’s strategic importance to the government`s power sector development programme and its rich expertise in the power sector. The company enjoys competitive advantage due to high exposure limits, benefit of infrastructure finance company (IFC) status and better asset liability match (ALM).
The grade also considers the fact that the company has escrow mechanism in place for majority of loans to state and central sectors, which constituted 85% of PFC’s loan book as on March 31, 2011.
PFC provides large range of financial products and services like project term loan, lease financing, direct discounting of bills, short term loan, and consultancy services for various power projects in generation, transmission, distribution sector as well as for renovation and modernization of existing power projects.
Company Name | CMP |
Power Finance Corp | 452.00 |
REC | 507.60 |
Indian Railway Finance | 146.20 |
Satin Creditcare | 147.25 |
MAS Financial Serv | 270.55 |
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