DCB Bank Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 532772 | NSE: DCBBANK | Bank - Private | Small Cap

DCB Bank Share Price

112 -2.45 -2.14%
as on 28-Mar'25 16:59

DeciZen - make an informed investing decision on DCB Bank

Overall Rating
Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation


3. Price Trend

Semi Strong

DCB Bank stock performance -

P/E Ratio (SA):
Market Cap:
3,520 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is DCB Bank Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is DCB Bank Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year’s financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that DCB Bank Ltd is a below average quality company.

2. Is DCB Bank Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of DCB Bank Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Undervalued zone.

3. Is DCB Bank Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Semi Strong which suggest that the price of DCB Bank Ltd is likely to Rise-somewhat in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of DCB Bank:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
DCB Bank Ltd has not performed well majority of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is not good
Net Interest Income (₹ Cr.)5086207979951,1491,2651,2871,3581,7171,9282,056
YoY Gr. Rt. %-21.9%28.7%24.9%15.5%10.1%1.7%5.5%26.5%12.3%-
Total Income1,5881,9192,3252,7233,3923,9283,9043,9654,6105,8366,841
YoY Gr. Rt. %-20.8%21.2%17.1%24.5%15.8%-0.6%1.6%16.3%26.6%-
Adj EPS (₹ ) 6.86.87810.510.910.89.31517.118.9
YoY Gr. Rt. %-0.9%2.3%13.7%32%3.6%-0.7%-14.4%61.6%14.6%-
BVPS (₹ )54.461.268.28392.7102.6113.6122.9137152.7165.8
YoY Gr. Rt. %-12.5%11.5%21.6%11.8%10.6%10.7%8.2%11.4%11.5%-
To view Net Profit/Total Funds (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Net Profit/Total Funds (%)
To view Net NPA to Net Advances (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Net NPA to Net Advances (%)
To view Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%)-----------


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Net Interest Income16%10.9%14.4%12.3%
Total Income15.6%11.5%14.3%26.6%
Adj EPS10.9%10.3%16.6%14.6%
Share Price -0.2% 4% 15.6% -11.3%

Key Financial Ratios

RATIOS \ YEARSMar'15Mar'16Mar'17Mar'18Mar'19Mar'20Mar'21Mar'22Mar'23Mar'24TTM
Interest Earned / Total Income89.5788.5189.388.6189.6890.0488.5888.691.1291.8790.2
Margins To view Margins Colour Rating Guide click here
NIM (%)
Performance Ratios To view Performance Ratios Colour Rating Guide click here
Return on Equity (%)14.511.910.810.91211.2107.811.511.99.7
Liquidity Ratio To view Liquidity Ratio Colour Rating Guide click here
CASA (%)23.423.424.324.32421.522.926.826.426-

Recent Performance Summary

Return on Equity has increased versus last 3 years average to 11.90%

Total Income has increased 14.34 CAGR in last 3 years

Net Profit has increased 16.59 CAGR in last 3 years

Net NPA to Net Advances has declined versus last 3 years average

Total income growth is not so good in last 4 quarters

No data to display

Latest Financials - DCB Bank Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 18.9 -
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 6,173 -
BVPS (₹.) 165.8 -
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 4,896 -
P/BV 0.68 -
PE 5.93 -
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 101.35 / 145.95
All Time Low / High (₹) 13.55 / 244.60
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 3,520
Equity (₹ Cr.) 314.3
Face Value (₹) 10
Industry PE 18.3

Quarterly Results

 Mar'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Jun'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Sep'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Dec'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %
Net Interest Income (₹ Cr.)507 4.4497 5.5509 7543 14.5
Interest Earned (₹ Cr.)1,445 22.51,489 20.31,568 20.11,671 21.6
Total Income (₹ Cr.)1,581 21.51,632 21.41,773 25.51,855 23.9
Adj EPS (₹)4.7 6.23.8 -3.63.7 -4.64 8.5
NIM (%)3.65 -3.39 -3.27 -3.30 -
Net NPA to Net Advances (%)1.11 -1.18 -1.17 -1.18 -
CASA (%)26.02 -25.41 -25.61 -25.09 -

Management X-Ray of DCB Bank:

Shareholding Pattern

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Promoters:14.72%Institutions:38.75%Non-Institutions:46.53%

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Sep22Dec22Mar23Jun23Sep23Dec23Mar24Jun24Sep24Dec240%5%10%15%20%
Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Valuation of DCB Bank

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MRP: ₹ 0
DP: ₹0
Base BVPS ₹:
DPS ₹:
MOS (%):
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Expected BVPS Growth Rate:
Base 0%
Expected Rate of Return:
Base 0%
Future PBV:
Base 0
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YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max

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Analyst's Notes

DCB Bank: Quarterly Result update - 27 Jan 2021

DCB Bank | Market Cap: 3,550 Cr

CMP 114 | P/B 1x FY21


Results: DCB Bank reported year on year growth of 4% in its Net Interest Income*. CASA** stood at 23% (vs 22.4% in Q1FY21). 

Click here for 10 year X-ray of DCB Bank

Key highlights:

  • Overall loan book was flat year on year as the bank has redirected entire focus on collection of existing loans.
  • Net Interest Margin was flat and operating expenses declines 6% over previous year.
  • Overall deposit growth declined 3% year on year. 
  • Operating profit before provisioning grew 46% year on year from high other income and lower operating costs. The provisions stood at 0.6% of overall loan book. 
  • Collection for CV is 80% vs 90% in past while for mortgages it is 90-94% versus 98% in past.
  • Gross NPA has gone up to 3.7% from 2.2% in previous quarter.

Outlook: As per the management, 3-5% loans would need restructuring. However large majority of loans are secured by physical assets which may ensure less loan given default.

MoneyWorks4me Opinion: We had recommended buy on DCB Bank pre-covid as it was a conservative lender against physical collateral, had ability to earn higher margins and small base for faster growth.  

However, pandemic led slowdown has shifted bank’s focus away from growth and our hypothesis wouldn’t have played out in the medium term. In our previous note we had said, “We will wait for one more quarter to make a decision after seeing NPA and related resolution.”

We have recommended reducing exposure to financials as we find lot of banking stocks are no longer factoring NPA over next 3-4 quarters. Since DCB Bank stock rallied post Nov’20, we found risk reward unattractive to hold on. We recommended SELL.

Post result, we believe it is a right decision to SELL DCB Bank at current price even if it means selling it at a loss. Business circumstances changed for the bank and this would lead to downward revision in MRP of the company. We maintain SELL.

We remain positive on large private sector banks as they have balance sheet strength to absorb any asset quality shocks as well as ability to raise funds at reasonable prices.

DCB Bank | Market Cap: 3,550 Cr

CMP 114 | P/B 1x FY21


Recommendation | SELL


* Net Interest Income- Total interest earned by the bank on lent amount minus Total interest that it expended on its deposits.

**CASA- Current Account Saving Account is essentially the lowest cost funds that are available to the bank to lend. More the CASA, higher the amount of fund the bank can lend and earn interest on it.

DCB Bank: Reduce Exposure - 21 Dec 2020

We recommend to reduce exposure to banking and financials. There are valid concerns on growth and rise in NPA. At the time of purchase all financials were reporting good loan growth and growth in earnings so we didn't hesitate to add. After correction, they were trading too cheap and factored in most of the negatives. We didn't recommend to Sell.

But now after recent rise in prices, risk-reward is not favorable. We believe that large-cap private sector banks are well placed for long term growth, so these can be held for long term.

Small-sized NBFC & banks may face slowdown in growth during the period of high provisioning. We are recommending Sell on such stocks. We will be selling them at a loss of 10-35%. We recommend to free up cash and we shall recover these losses from other stocks over next few months.

DCB Bank: Quarterly Result update - 02 Nov 2020

DCB Bank | Market Cap: 2,400 Cr

CMP 77 | P/B 0.7x FY21

Recommendation | HOLD

Results: DCB Bank reported year on year growth of 7% in its Net Interest Income* and Total Income was flat year on year. CASA** stood at 22.4% (vs 21.9% in Q1FY21). 

For financial ratios, click here for 10 year X-ray

Key highlights:

  • Overall loan book was flat year on year. Retail loans grew by 60.5% year on year and wholesale loan book was largely flat year on year.
  • Overall deposit growth was flat year on year. 
  • Operating profit before provisioning grew 21% year on year from lower operating costs. The provisions in relation to Covid-19 stood at 1% of overall loan book. 
  • Bank focused on collection versus growth. Collection have improved to 90% in business and housing loans while 77% in commercial vehicles.

Outlook: As per the management, post the easing of lockdown, there has been a substantial increase in collections. The management expects 5% loans to be restructured. However large majority of loans are secured by physical assets.

MoneyWorks4me Opinion: We had recommended buy on DCB Bank as it catered to different segment versus large banks. We believe that DCB Bank’s conservative lending against physical collateral, ability to earn higher margins and small base for faster growth can help us earn good returns. However, pandemic led slowdown has shifted bank’s focus away from growth and our hypothesis will not play out in the medium term. Since the stock trades at very cheap valuation, we are evaluating whether all the negatives are priced in. We will wait for one more quarter to make a decision after seeing NPA and related resolution. 

In past, DCB bank has resolved NPA faster than peers as loans were granular, backed by collateral or loans were sold to other banks as DCB’s has less ability of collection versus peers. We will know more about it in next quarter as NPA will start accruing from next quarter.


* Net Interest Income- Total interest earned by the bank on lent amount minus Total interest that it expended on its deposits.

**CASA- Current Account Saving Account is essentially the lowest cost funds that are available to the bank to lend. More the CASA, higher the amount of fund the bank can lend and earn interest on it.

^LCR- Liquidity Coverage Ratio is bank's high-quality liquid assets by its total net cash flows

DCB Bank: Quarterly Result update - 26 May 2020

Results: DCB Bank reported year on year growth of 8% in its Net Interest Income* and 30% delince in net profit. 

  • Overall GNPA increased as the management took upfront NPA classification for certain loan type. 
  • Loan mix broadly remained unchanged during the quarter, with mortgage continuing to contribute highest share at 42% to total loan portfolio.
  • Within mortgage, average ticket size for home loans is Rs 17 Lakhs while that for business loans is Rs 20 Lakhs with 87% is self-occupied property.
  • Loan to value ratio is around 40-50%, making is less dependent on real estate prices. 
  • Half of the loan book is outside Metro and large cities. ~60% of the loan book is under moratorium as the bank gave moratorium option to all but opt out facility. Other banks gave opt in facility. 

Outlook: DCB Bank made provisions worth Rs. 63 Cr out of which Rs. 9 Cr was as per regulatory requirement and balance towards contingency buffer considering the Covid-19 issue. As per the management, the near term aim is to preserve capital, manage portfolio stress, reduce costs and maintain adequate liquidity. While asset quality held up well until now, its high exposure to self-employed segment possess risk of higher slippages going forward.

We had recommended DCB Bank as it had very unique loan portfolio with secured, granular loans and different segment versus larger private sector banks. However, the lockdown and related business impact has led to sharp correction in stock price. We believe that the bank is well equipped to handle the stress, and make provisioning and recovery. At current price, it already factors more than 5% NPA, if we do not see such a level of NPA, the stock would bounce back. We will add to our position once we are certain that the bank’s valuation hasn’t materially changed after adjusting for NPAs in next 2-3 quarters.


* Net Interest Income- Total interest earned by the bank on lent amount minus Total interest that it expended on its deposits.


DCB Bank: Stock Price update - 08 May 2020

Steep cut in stock price

DCB Bank’s stock has fallen >50% since our call. While it has fallen alongwith other financials, the fall is steeper as it is a small cap stock.

DCB Bank is into Mortgages, agri and SME/MSME loans. Break up of the loans are as below: 

We find DCB Bank attractive for conservative process to lend into pockets where they face less competition from large banks. Since some of the top banks had run up in price (eg. ICICI Bank) we thought of adding to financial exposure through DCB Bank as it offers faster growth potential due to small size.

Strengths of DCB Bank

Firstly, DCB Bank gives out only secured loans, meaning they are backed by collateral. These loans are serviced by the business income. The bank has low to nil exposure to unsecured loans like Personal Loans or credit card or Microfinance, more vulnerable sectors. This gives us comfort that the NPAs won’t eat into networth. The bank will be able to make provision and sail through.

Secondly, DCB Bank has relatively more exposure in non-metro areas i.e. less exposure in Red Zones. With slow opening up of economy, many of its clients will be back in business and take advantage of moratorium till they stand on their feet. This will lead to lower stress for DCB. Granular nature of loans and self-occupied property as mortgage makes these loans relatively less risky. In our note we had written, “No loan exceeds 3 Crore. Median ticket size is around 35-40 Lakhs. Over the years, the bank has created niche in meeting credit requirement of self-employed people through mortgage in Tier 2 to Tier 6 locations with tremendous efforts on enhancing the products, improving processes and controlling portfolio quality.”

We find that currently the expectation of rising NPAs had led to many banking stocks to come down. The fall in stock prices indicate a lot of pain as these are leveraged businesses. Small dent in loan book can cause rapid erosion of equity value. However, it depends on how prudent a bank has been to take such hits from time to time. Secured nature of loans, lending only to viable business models and diversified portfolio reduce some of these risks. We believe DCB Bank has all these qualities.

DCB Bank had worries pertaining to liquidity but since it has secured portfolio, it can sell its portfolio to large banks to generate liquidity. Its Fixed Deposit base has been stable after Yes Bank fiasco as highlighted by the management in their recent concall.

DCB Bank: Enabling Small Entrepreneurs - 19 Feb 2020

About DCB Bank

DCB Bank (erstwhile Development Credit Bank) started in 1995; is one of the emerging private sector banks in India, predominantly based in Maharashtra and Gujarat.

DCB has deep roots in India since its inception in the 1930s. Earlier it was called Development Credit Bank which was formed after merging a group of co-operative banks. In 1995, it got scheduled bank license from RBI. The bank network is now spread across Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, New Delhi, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Union Territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

Its promoter is the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) which holds over 14% stake. AKFED had also co-promoted HDFC in India in the late seventies. AKFED operates as a network of affiliates comprising 90 separate project companies

In 2010, the new management set out a strategy to focus on niche segments and get NPA under control. Over time, DCB bank has created mortgage financing (currently accounts for 41% of total advances) with emphasis on small ticket loans (ticket size below Rs. 3 Cr) to self-employed in Tier II-VI cities. It has one of the best diversified loan portfolios with greater reliance on secured lending. It offers comprehensive range of products and services, contemporary technology and infrastructure including state of the art internet and mobile banking.

As of December 2018, DCB Bank had 334 branches and 501 ATMs. The branches are almost equal between metro, urban and rural areas. Other than that the network of the bank is spread at 35000+ points via direct selling agents.

Which segments does the bank operate in?

Over past seven years, the management team led by Mr. Murali Natrajan (Ex-Standard Chartered, Ex-CitiBank), steered the bank during challenging environment and reinvented business model with greater emphasis on Retail Banking i.e. on asset side focused on secure lending via products like Loan Against Property (LAP) (primarily for self-owned businesses), Gold loan, CV, Home loan etc. and on liability side greater reliance on Retail deposit (~81%). DCB Bank had inherited concentrated loan and deposit portfolio but now it has just 6% loans to top 20 borrowers and less than 12% of deposits from Top 20 depositors. It has completely revamped old business processes/technology and made it more customer and employee friendly to improve productivity and turnaround time which is critical in retail banking.

To pursue this mission, DCB has expanded its branches from 130 in FY14 to 331 at present. Due to lower ticket size of loans, the bank has to hire more employees per branch taking its cost higher. This led to drop in ROE from 14% in FY14 to mere 12% in FY19.

Who does it lend to?

From FY14 to FY19, DCB Bank has grown its loan book at 23% CAGR and currently stands at ~ 25,000 Cr. In the same period, Profit before tax went up by 27% CAGR.

As evident from the above chart, mortgage is the leading product of the bank. Mortgage loan book consists of Loans against Property (forming 70-75%) and Home loans (forming 30-25%). No loan exceeds 3 Crore. Median ticket size is around 35-40 Lakhs. Over the years, the bank has created niche in meeting credit requirement of self-employed people through mortgage in Tier 2 to Tier 6 locations with tremendous efforts on enhancing the products, improving processes and controlling portfolio quality.

DCB bank has tough competition from large banks in salaried and corporate segment. Due to this, it has limited product portfolio versus others. It doesn’t have Credit Card, Personal loans, etc. However, it has managed to find its feet in Agri and Mortgage loans. It also sells Agri loans to other banks to help them fulfil their Priority Sector lending thereby making fee income.

How does it source funds?

On the liabilities side, the bank is aiming to attract granular deposits from retail segment to reduce concentration of large value and NRI deposits. This would help the bank gain new customers in exchange of high interest outgo. Later DCB aims to cross-sell them other products or savings bank account shoring up its CASA. As on today, DCB’s CASA stands at just 23%. Its cost of funds is higher than average bank but at the same time, it has granular risky exposure helps it earn better yield. Despite this, its net interest margin is 3.7%.

Do all loans get repaid?

Asset quality has showed steady improvement post restructuring of balance sheet in FY10.

Gross NPAs have inched up lately due to weak economic environment. Hence, DCB bank has decided i) to trim corporate exposure, ii) reduced average ticket size in SME/MSME loan to achieve granularity, iii) focus on secured products with liquid collateral and iv) lowered Loan to Value for loans.

DCB’s recovery mechanism is relatively weak versus larger peers due to small scale, hence it transfers the bad loans to reconstruction company.

DCB has also shown good track record in recovery/upgrade of loans which has helped it reduce provisioning requirement. For example: In Q3FY20, it recovered/upgraded 130 Cr loans versus 200 Cr slippage. Likewise in previous quarter, it had 160 Cr in slippage but recovery/upgrade of 80 Cr. This gives us confidence that NPAs won’t be eating into profitability much.

What are the Risks?

  • Exposure to high risk loan against portfolio, better loan to value and granularity of portfolio makes us less worried.
  • High cost to income ratio (C/I) as it hires more employees versus average bank but increase in loan book may bring down C/I ratio.
  • Being a small sized bank, DCB may find it tough to raise equity in bad times for provisioning/growth.
  • Higher vulnerability versus larger bank due to economic slowdown as small businessmen get more affected in slow economy.

Is it a good price to buy?

Since DCB Bank has expanded its branch network recently, its ROA & ROE are subdued. As branches mature, ROE will come back to reasonable level over next 2 years. In recent quarters, despite lower profit margin, ROAs are maintained at 1%. The management is expecting to double its loan book by FY23-24. This growth would lead to favourable operating leverage and enhance return ratios.

With above industry growth rate in past 5 years including recent quarter (Q3FY20 DCB 11% vs Industry 7%), we expect DCB to clock loan book growth of 15-18% CAGR from FY20-FY24. We also expect ROE to improve to 14% by FY23-24. This makes us believe that DCB can be a good compounder over next 2-3 years.

DCB Bank trades at a very favourable valuation of P/E of 13x FY21 and P/B of 1.5x FY21.

Since this is a very small bank with market capitalization of just 5,300 Cr and loan book of mere 25,000 Cr, we recommend only aggressive investors (or only risk portion of portfolio for others) to invest in DCB Bank.

Note: Those who hold LIC Housing Finance can consider DCB Bank in place of LIC HF and reduce LIC HF as you get better selling price.

Key Ratios of DCB Bank

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Total Income (Cr.)

ROE (%)

BVPS (Rs.)

Company Name CMP(₹)
Change ₹(%)
Market Cap
Net Sales (₹ Cr.)
Latest EPS (₹)
Net Profit Margin %
Latest P/E
Latest P/BV
RBL Bank 178.3 1.3 (0.7%) Small Cap 12,394 16.1 9.4 10.8 0.7
J&K Bank 92.3 -1.5 (-1.6%) Small Cap 11,212 19.4 15.8 4.8 0.8
South Indian Bank 23.1 -0.4 (-1.7%) Small Cap 8,613 4.8 12.4 4.8 0.6
Karnataka Bank 175.6 -3 (-1.7%) Small Cap 8,299 34.3 15.7 5.1 0.6
Karur Vysya Bank 212.6 3.4 (1.6%) Small Cap 8,204 23.4 19.6 8.9 1.5
Equitas Small Fin. 55.1 -1 (-1.7%) Small Cap 5,486 2.7 14.6 20.1 1
DCB Bank 112 -2.5 (-2.1%) Small Cap 5,362 18.9 10 5.9 0.7
City Union Bank 157.2 2.9 (1.9%) Small Cap 5,271 14.7 19.3 10.7 1.3
Tamilnad Mercantile 417.8 3.4 (0.8%) Small Cap 4,848 72.2 22.1 5.7 0.7
Jana Small Fin. Bank 413 10.5 (2.6%) Small Cap 4,013 66.6 16.7 6.1 1.1
Shows rows:

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Income 1,5881,9192,3252,7233,3923,9283,9043,9654,6105,836
Interest Income 1,4221,6982,0762,4133,0413,5373,4583,5134,2005,362
Other Income 166220249310350391446452409474
Expenditure 1,3971,7242,1252,4783,0663,5903,5683,6774,1445,300
Interest Expense 9141,0791,2791,4181,8922,2722,1722,1552,4833,434
Operating Expenses 3964916287818539038471,0131,3401,538
Profit Before Tax208261307386507492453390628722
Taxes 1767107141181154117102162186
Profit After Tax 191195200245325338336288466536
Adjusted EPS (₹)6.786.847.007.9610.5110.8910.819.2514.9517.13
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)0%0%7%9%10%0%0%11%8%7%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Share Capital 282284285308310310311311312313
Total Reserves 1,3031,5061,9182,4982,8053,1113,4473,7374,2524,755
Minority Interest0000000000
Borrowings 1,1641,1481,2761,9272,7233,4084,4824,0824,1186,219
Other Liabilities 7741,2541,2781,4821,5191,3061,6581,9722,4462,397
Total Liabilities 16,13219,11924,04630,22235,79238,50539,60244,79352,36663,037


Balance with RBI 6347038581,1361,3171,0301,1833,1082,0312,867
Balance with Banks851883341,2361,4762,5161,856983338199
Investments 3,9624,3335,8186,2197,8447,7428,4149,05112,58216,211
Advances 10,46512,92115,81820,33723,56825,34525,73729,09634,37840,925
Net Block 237248489494526546569608783841
Other Assets7497247308001,0601,3271,8431,8942,2111,971
Total Assets 16,13219,11924,04630,22235,79238,50539,60244,79352,36663,037

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity -496220240230-281171-1,5021,606-1,566-1,240
Cash Flow From Investing Activity -29-41-71-59-76-72-79-157-165-133
Cash Flow From Financing Activity 554-61321,0097796541,075-39882,070
Net Cash Flow 301723011,180421752-5071,051-1,722697

Operational & Financial Ratios

EPS (₹)777811111191517
DPS (₹)0011100111
BVPS (₹)5461688393103114123137153

Margin Ratios

Yield on Advances (%)13.613.113.111.912.914.013.412.112.213.1
Yield on Investments (%)
Cost of Liabilities (%)
NIM (%)
Interest Spread (%)

Performance Ratios

ROA (%)
ROE (%)14.511.910.810.912.
ROCE (%)11.811.612.712.613.

Efficiency Ratios

Cost to Income Ratio (%)58.858.560.059.856.954.548.956.063.064.0
Operating Costs to Assets (%)

Valuation Parameters


DCB Bank Ltd Stock News

DCB Bank Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of DCB Bank on 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is ₹112.0.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 the market cap of DCB Bank stood at ₹3,520.
The latest P/E ratio of DCB Bank as of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is 5.93.
The latest P/B ratio of DCB Bank as of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is 0.68.
The 52-week high of DCB Bank is ₹145.9 and the 52-week low is ₹101.3.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of DCB Bank is ₹6,173 ( Cr.) .

About DCB Bank Ltd

DCB Bank is a new generation private sector bank. It is a scheduled commercial bank regulated by the Reserve Bank of India. It is professionally managed and governed. DCB Bank has contemporary technology and infrastructure including state of the art internet banking for personal as well as business banking customers.

The Bank’s network of state-of-the-art, customer friendly branches are situated across Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Daman, Delhi/ NCR, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Silvassa, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.

The bank has deep roots in India since its inception in 1930s. Its promoter and promoter group the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) & Platinum Jubilee Investments Ltd. holds below 15% stake. AKFED is an international development enterprise. It is dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and building economically sound companies.

Business area of the bank

The bank’s business segments are Retail, micro-SME, SME, mid-Corporate, Agriculture, Commodities, Government, Public Sector, Indian Banks, Co-operative Banks and Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFC).

Awards and recognition


  • Best Data Center Design - Data Center Summit 2016
  • Indian Express Award for Innovation - Aadhaar Based ATM
  • BFSI Digital Innovators Award - Innovative Usage of Emerging Technology
  • Finnoviti Innovation Award - Aadhaar Based ATM
  • Best Prepaid Program - Drivers of Digital Awards 2016


  • “Innovative Company for implementation of VMWARE solution” award by VMWARE
  • “Excellence in Omni Channel Experience” award for new internet banking by IDC
  • “Finnoviti award for GST Package” by Banking Frontiers magazine
  • “Best Innovative Initiative” for Innovation Carnival at BFSI Innovative Technology Awards 2018 event, by ELETS
  • “Digital Leadership Award” at Business World Innovations event by Businessworld
  • “BFSI IT Leadership Award 2017” for being among TOP 20 Leader in BFSI sector by Exito
  • Award in the category of “Enterprise Mobility” by Express Computer
  • “Innovative CIO 17 Award” by CIOAXIS


  • CSR Summit & Awards of UBS Forum, BFSI Category – DCB Bank was awarded for the project ‘Participatory Natural Resource Management along Watershed Lines in the Tribal Belt of South Rajasthan’.
  • Bombay Chamber Good Corporate Citizen Awards 2018 – Winner under Banking & Finance Companies category.
  • Asian Customer Engagement & Forum - ACEF Leadership Awards 2018, Excellence in CSR, Social Impact Awards - DCB Bank garnered Bronze for Best Environmental Behaviour Change Award - Project: Participatory Natural Resource Management along watershed lines in the Tribal Belt of South Rajasthan
  • Finnoviti 2018 Award for DCB Remit Initiative, in Innovation category by Banking Frontiers.
  • Top 20 BSFI Leaders Award at BFSI Innovation and Technology Summit by Exito.
  • BFSI Leadership Award at BFSI Leadership Summit by eLets.
  • Winner at BIG 50 BFSI Leaders Award Summit by Trescon.
  • NextGen Digital Leader Award at Technology and Innovation Summit by DataQuest.
  • Winner at “BIG CIO 100 Awards Summit” by Trescon.
  • Winner of “CISO Platform 100” Award by CISO Platform


  • Awarded by Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mumbai for ‘Sustainable Environmental Initiatives’ for CSR projects.
  • Awarded for Best CSR Project at Asian Customer Engagement & Forum - ACEF HR & CSR Forum & Awards, Mumbai.
  • “Tech Trendsetter” at India Banking Reforms Conclave & BFSI Awards
  • “Best Private Bank of the Year” by Indian Banking Summit and Awards 2019
  • “BFSI Digital Innovation Award 2020” in BFSI Technology Conclave by Indian Express
  • Award for SME Finflex Banking system at Finnoviti 2020
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