Piramal Enterprises Ltd - Stock Valuation and Financial Performance

BSE: 500302 | NSE: PEL | Finance - NBFC | Small Cap

Piramal Enterprises Share Price

986.60 -5.25 -0.53%
as on 28-Mar'25 16:59

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Overall Rating
Bole Toh

1. Quality

2. Valuation

Somewhat Undervalued

3. Price Trend

Semi Strong

Piramal Enterprises stock performance -

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P/E Ratio (CD):
Market Cap:
22,245.6 Cr.
52-wk low:
52-wk high:

Is Piramal Enterprises Ltd an attractive stock to invest in?

1. Is Piramal Enterprises Ltd a good quality company?

Past 10 year's financial track record analysis by Moneyworks4me indicates that Piramal Enterprises Ltd is a good quality company.

2. Is Piramal Enterprises Ltd undervalued or overvalued?

The key valuation ratios of Piramal Enterprises Ltd's currently when compared to its past seem to suggest it is in the Somewhat Undervalued zone.

3. Is Piramal Enterprises Ltd a good buy now?

The Price Trend analysis by MoneyWorks4Me indicates it is Semi Strong which suggest that the price of Piramal Enterprises Ltd is likely to Rise-somewhat in the short term. However, please check the rating on Quality and Valuation before investing.

10 Year X-Ray of Piramal Enterprises:

Analysis of Financial Track Record

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end
Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end

Data adjusted to bonus, split, extra-ordinary income, rights issue and change in financial year end.

Financial track record gives insight into the company's performance on key parameters over the past ten years. MoneyWorks4me’s proprietary colour codes make it easy for retail investors to gauge the company’s past performance.
Piramal Enterprises Ltd has performed well in majority of the past ten years indicating its past ten year financial track record is very good
Operating Income (₹ Cr.)5,1236,3818,54710,63911,88313,06812,8097,7268,93410,0208,255
YoY Gr. Rt. %-24.6%33.9%24.5%11.7%10%-2%-39.7%15.7%12.2%-
Adj EPS (₹ ) 160.350.970.4277.477.
YoY Gr. Rt. %--68.3%38.4%293.8%-72%-98.6%5420.6%36.4%418.4%-117.9%-
BVPS (₹ )660.1728.3837.11,438.61,440.71,355.41,508.21,487.11,301.51,1791,195.9
YoY Gr. Rt. %-10.3%14.9%71.9%0.1%-5.9%11.3%-1.4%-12.5%-9.4%-
To view Net Profit/Total Funds (%) Colour Rating Guide click here
Net Profit/Total Funds (%)10.632.57.62.1-


CAGR Colour Code Guide

9 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Years
Net Interest Income7.7%-3.4%-7.9%12.2%
Adj EPS-191.9%-199.3%-208.3%-117.9%
Share Price 1.7% 3% -23.3% 16.3%

Key Financial Ratios

RATIOS \ YEARSMar'15Mar'16Mar'17Mar'18Mar'19Mar'20Mar'21Mar'22Mar'23Mar'24TTM
Asset Quality Ratio To view Asset Quality Ratio Colour Rating Guide click here
Net NPA to Net Advances (%)0000000000-
Capitalization Ratio To view Capitalization Ratio Colour Rating Guide click here
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 0000000000-
Net Profit Margin (%)52.514.212.745.514.2-4.21121.5111.6-16.86.3
Performance Ratios To view Performance Ratios Colour Rating Guide click here
Return on Equity (%)

Recent Performance Summary

No data to display

Return on Equity has declined versus last 3 years average to 1.90%

Total Income has declined -10.85 CAGR in last 3 years

Net Profit has declined -208.26 CAGR in last 3 years

Total income growth is poor in last 4 quarters

Latest Financials - Piramal Enterprises Ltd.

Standalone Consolidated
TTM EPS (₹) 65.7 23.1
TTM Sales (₹ Cr.) 1,950 8,255
BVPS (₹.) 973.4 1,195.9
Reserves (₹ Cr.) 21,904 26,919
P/BV 1.01 0.82
PE 15.02 42.77
From the Market
52 Week Low / High (₹) 736.60 / 1275.40
All Time Low / High (₹) 16.56 / 3224.09
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 22,246
Equity (₹ Cr.) 45.1
Face Value (₹) 2
Industry PE 29.1

Quarterly Results

 Mar'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Jun'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Sep'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %Dec'24 YoY Gr. Rt. %
Operating Income0.3 130.80.4 850 -83.31 676.9
Adj EPS (₹)-0.09 N/A0.53 N/A0.52 -22.4-0.28 -2900
Net Profit Mgn %-12.88 743 bps58.65 27377 bps500.00 38776 bps-11.22 -1425 bps

Management X-Ray of Piramal Enterprises:

Shareholding Pattern

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Promoters:46.3%Institutions:30.25%Non-Institutions:23.46%

Promoter's Holding & Share Pledging

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.5Sep22Dec22Mar23Jun23Sep23Dec23Mar24Jun24Sep24Dec240%10%20%30%40%50%
Pledged *
* Pledged shares as % of Promoter's holding (%)

Valuation of Piramal Enterprises

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MRP: ₹ 0
DP: ₹0
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MOS (%):
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Expected BVPS Growth Rate:
Base 0%
Expected Rate of Return:
Base 0%
Future PBV:
Base 0
YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Max
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Analyst's Notes

Piramal Enterprises: Quarterly Result Update - 23 Oct 2019


Piramal reported ~16% growth sales from global pharma segment 1,300 Cr and 13% from financial services 1,954 Cr. Operating profit growth was 40% in global pharma and 13% in financial services. 

Sales growth was attributable to:

  • Global Pharma: Robust client addition ~30 and order book growth and 7 key product launches
  • Financial Services: 200% growth in housing finance loan book over previous year.

Outlook: Piramal Ent is reducing its developer loan exposure by aggressively growing non-developer loan book and running down developer loans. Currently the stress in developer book is not visible as payments are regular and interest payments haven’t started accruing. Currently market is worried about risk arising in developer loan book due slowdown in RE sales and inadequate financing available for incremental needs.

Loan book has reduced from 56,600 Cr in Q1 to 53,000 Cr in Q2. The company is considering new fund raising via equity upto 5,600 Cr. While the purpose of the fund raising is not mentioned, it is likely to improve balance sheet strength in case of defaults.

We are studying Piramal Enterprises closely as the company has large sales coming from financial services where it is relatively new. We have always liked more established players in financial services. Recently, Piramal Ent. traded at very cheap price versus its likely fair value, hence started monitoring more closely. We are still learning how developer dominant loan portfolio works in financial services.

At its recent lows, if we remove Pharma segment valuing it 3 times sales and Shriram Group investment at 7,500 Cr, NBFC was trading less than 0.5x book value. We quickly took it in our coverage. At our MRP, NBFC is valued at 0.8x book value. Our valuation may get revised upwards if we see stable asset quality. We will await few quarters before recommending the stock. 


(All nos in Rs)

Key Ratios of Piramal Enterprises

Adj EPS (Rs.)

Total Income (Cr.)

ROE (%)

BVPS (Rs.)

Profit And Loss

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Interest Income5,1236,3818,54710,63911,88313,06812,8097,7268,93410,020
Other Income 2554462342646349907028661,5491,045
Expenditure 5,0385,9197,4608,9409,52212,65110,1156,37012,55912,257
Interest Expense 5119592,0312,9784,1005,3214,2094,2824,0414,400
Operating Expenses 4,3724,6905,1655,5754,8725,2565,6661,0631,9143,302
Provisions 1562702653875492,0752401,0256,6044,555
Exceptional Items 2,69646-100-452059-1537,976-2,087
Profit Before Tax 3,0359541,3101,9642,5421,4073,4562,0685,900-3,278
Taxes 34550228-2,8768521,9602,043406-4,068-1,595
Profit After Tax 2,6909051,0824,8401,690-5531,4131,6629,969-1,684
Adjusted EPS (₹)160.350.970.4277.477.
Dividend Payout Ratio (%)12%33%29%9%35%1,314%56%41%7%-13%

Balance Sheet

(All Figures are in Crores.)

Equity and Liabilities

Equity Capital11,73612,94814,88326,56227,22030,57234,01835,48931,05926,557
Share Capital 35353536374545484845
Reserves 11,70112,91414,84826,52627,18330,52633,97335,44131,01126,512
Minority Interest2901312901121134800
Long Term Borrowings7,81711,76018,77625,35529,03324,45434,16358,71348,95848,628
Current Liabilities 5,69410,54218,96222,47931,21323,67313,87311,2499,52011,767
Trade Payables5107037648749619901,1781,697399295
Short term borrowings2,8296,82912,07914,66615,5787,9503,3623,1224,5047,469
Other Liabilities-3,339-7,531-12,844-15,540-16,535-8,940-4,541-4,819-4,903-7,763
Total Liabilities 25,27635,25052,63474,40987,48078,69983,1751,06,79989,53786,952


Non Current Asset 19,91230,59543,47161,84375,08962,58662,78242,03132,73322,316
Loan Asset 0000000000
Other Non Current Asset 19,91230,59543,47161,84375,08962,58662,78242,03132,73322,316
Current Asset 5,3644,6559,16312,56612,39016,11320,39364,76856,80464,637
Current Investment9476343,4645,1992,4482,9503,5621,972179231
Other Current Asset4,4174,0215,6997,3679,94313,16316,83162,79656,62564,406
Total Assets 25,27635,25052,63474,40987,48078,69983,1751,06,79989,53786,952

Cash Flow

(All Figures are in Crores.)
Cash Flow From Operating Activity -2,207-6,956-10,057-15,967-11,6117,5163,6658,4431,37826
Cash Flow From Investing Activity 6,177-604-2,403-1,768-8277,469-2,772-2,131-407-1,872
Cash Flow From Financing Activity -3,8657,54413,57018,65010,752-13,0192,072-6,774-3,2871,390
Net Cash Flow 106-161,111916-1,6861,9662,964-462-2,316-455

Operational & Financial Ratios

EPS (₹)16552732848015981418-75
DPS (₹)20182125281433333110
BVPS (₹)6807508631474147613551508148713011179

Performance Ratios

ROA (%)
ROE (%)
ROCE (%)

Valuation Parameters


Piramal Enterprises Ltd Stock News

Piramal Enterprises Ltd FAQs

Company share prices are keep on changing according to the market conditions. The closing price of Piramal Enterprises on 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is ₹986.6.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 the market cap of Piramal Enterprises stood at ₹22,245.6.
The latest P/E ratio of Piramal Enterprises as of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is 15.02.
The latest P/B ratio of Piramal Enterprises as of 28-Mar-2025 16:59 is 1.01.
The 52-week high of Piramal Enterprises is ₹1,275.4 and the 52-week low is ₹736.6.
The TTM revenue is Trailing Twelve Months sales. The TTM revenue/sales of Piramal Enterprises is ₹1,950 ( Cr.) .

About Piramal Enterprises Ltd

Piramal Enterprises Limited (PEL) is one of India’s leading diversified companies, with a presence in Financial Services and Pharmaceuticals. Driven by both organic as well as inorganic strategy, PEL has steered dynamic business growth over the three decades of its existence.

PEL made its foray into the financial services sector with Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited (PCHFL), a housing finance company registered with the National Housing Bank (NHB) that is engaged in various financial services businesses. It provides end-to-end financing solutions in both wholesale and retail funding opportunities across sectors such as real estate and infrastructure, renewable energy, hospitality, logistics, industrials, auto components etc. Through its group companies, the platform has strategic partnerships with leading global pension funds such as Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), APG and Ivanhoe Cambridge.

Products and services offered by the company

Piramal Pharma

  • Pharma Solutions
  • Critical Care
  • Consumer Products
  • PhytoMedicine

Financial Services

  • Piramal Capital & Housing Finance
  • India Resurgence Fund (IndiaRF)

Awards & Recognitions

For Financial Services

  • Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited was awarded Best Overall Investment Manager for Real Estate in India at the 15th Annual Euromoney Real Estate Survey 2019 - September 2019.
  • Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited won ?Best Private Equity Deal of the Year at the 11th Estate Awards by Franchise India - August 2019.
  • Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited was awarded ?Best In-House Legal Team of the Year in the Banking and Financial Services sector at the Asian Legal Business India Law Awards 2020 - March 2020.

For Pharma

  • Piramal Pharma Solutions was honoured with the ?Frost & Sullivan Global Customer Service Leadership Award - June 2019.
  • Piramal Pharma Solutions was ranked 1st by Biospectrum India in Bio Services - October 2019.
  • Piramal Pharma Solutions won the ?2020 Manufacturing Supply Chain Operational Industry Excellence Award within the Pharmaceuticals Category at the 9th Edition of Manufacturing Supply Chain Awards - March 2020. 


  • 1980: In the early 1980s a young Ajay Piramal takes the reins of the Piramal Group.
  • 1984: Acquired Gujarat Glass
  • 1988: Acquired Nicholas Laboratories.
  • 1990: Gujarat Glass is merged with the group company, Nicholas Piramal India Ltd
  • 1991: A new formulation plant at Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh is commissioned.
  • 1992: Set up a second formulation plant at Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.
  • 1992: Nicholas Laboratories Ltd. renamed to Nicholas Piramal India, Ltd.
  • 1993: Piramal entered into a joint venture agreement with Allergan of U.S.A., the leading manufacturers of Ophthalmic products.
  • 1994: A joint venture agreement was entered into with Satelec, France for dental care products.
  • 1995: The bulk drug division of Sumitra Pharmaceutical and Chemicals Ltd. Hyderabad transferred to NPIL.
  • 1996: Entered into a product tie-up with F. Hoffman-La-Roche.
  • 1996: Boehringer Mannheim is acquired.
  • 1997: NPIL entered into an agreement with Reckitt & Colman for joint marketing of the latter's OTC products in India.
  • 1998: Acquired the research unit of Hoechst Marion Roussel (India) in Mumbai.
  • 1998: Nicholas Piramal India Ltd (NPIL) forges joint venture with Boots Healthcare International (BHI) to develop and market consumer healthcare products in India.
  • 2000: Rhone Poulenc India Limited is acquired.
  • 2000: Started collaborative research with Centre for Biochemical Technology in the field of gene technology.
  • 2000: Research alliance established with Hindustan Lever for developing Cosmoceuticals and personal care products.
  • 2002: ICI Pharma is acquired.
  • 2003: Global Bulk Drugs is acquired.
  • 2004: Nicholas forges alliance with scientists from Imperial College of the UK to carry out research in the field of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 2005: Avecia Pharmaceutical is acquired.
  • 2006: Pfizer's Morpeth UK facility acquired.
  • 2007: Scientists from Piramal led the first exploration by an Indian pharmaceutical company to develop drug leads from geographies like Antarctica.
  • 2008: Khandelwal Laboratories is acquired.
  • 2009: RxEliteinc, the U.S. based inhalation anesthetic gas distribution business, is acquired.
  • 2010: Biosyntech, Inc., Canada is acquired by Piramal Enterprises Ltd., part of the Life Sciences vertical, Bio-Orthopedics division.
  • 2010: Piramal sells the diagnostics division to Super Religare Laboratories Ltd.
  • 2010: Acquisition of iPill, an oral contraceptive brand, from Cipla.
  • 2011: Bharat Serum and Vaccines Ltd - Anaesthetics business buyout by Piramal Enterprises Ltd.
  • 2011: Piramal Realty acquires Mafatlal Mills in Byculla, Mumbai.
  • 2011: Piramal Healthcare acquires 11% of Vodafone India.
  • 2011: UN Conference on Trade and Development’s World Investment Report 2011 ranks Piramal Healthcare as No. 5 in the top 10 pharmaceutical contract manufacturers worldwide.
  • 2011: Piramal Healthcare acquires Indiareit, a real estate focused investment trust with AUM of $760 million.
  • 2011: Fortune 500 ranks Piramal Healthcare in the top-50 largest corporations across India.
  • 2011: Piramal's Pharma Solutions manufacturing site at Grangemouth, Scotland becomes the world’s first contract supplier at commercial scale for ADCs.
  • 2011: Piramal Healthcare acquires Indiareit, a real estate focused investment trust with AUM of $760 million.
  • 2012: Piramal Realty wins the auction of the landmark Hindustan Unilever training centre at Worli Sea Face, Mumbai.
  • 2012: Decision Resources Group acquires Abacus International, a UK based global market access solutions company for many of the world’s leading health care companies.
  • 2012: BST-CarGel, company’s innovative bio-orthopedic product for cartilage repair, receives European CE mark approval.
  • 2012: Piramal Enterprises starts a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) focused on lending to real estate, education and hospitals
  • 2012: Piramal Enterprises acquires health care information management firm, Decision Resources Group, USA for US$635 million
  • 2012: Piramal Realty, a privately owned real estate entity, was formed
  • 2012: Piramal Healthcare Limited is renamed to Piramal Enterprises Limited.
  • 2013: Piramal Enterprises Limited acquires Molecular Imaging Development portfolio of Bayer Pharma
  • 2013: Imaging division's lead radiopharmaceutical, Florbetaben, accepted for review by the US FDA and EMA for the visual detection of Beta-Amyloid in Alzheimer's disease
  • 2013: Piramal Water (Sarvajal) honoured with 'Enabling Technology Award of the Year 2013' by Frost & Sullivan
  • 2013: Piramal Enterprises Ltd. consumer products' division acquires the brand CALADRYL® in India.
  • 2014: APG Asset Management, the Dutch pension fund asset manager and Piramal Enterprises Limited announce a strategic alliance for investing in rupee denominated mezzanine instruments issued by infrastructure companies in India with a target investment of US$1 billion, over the next 3 years
  • 2014: Piramal Enterprises Limited acquires 9.99% equity stake in Shriram City Union Finance Limited
  • 2014: Piramal Enterprises Limited agrees to acquire an effective 20% equity stake in Shriram Capital Limited, a financial services company, for an aggregate consideration of INR 20.14 Billion
  • 2014: Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) and Piramal Enterprises Limited announce a US$500 million Strategic Alliance for Residential Development Debt Financing in India; appoint Piramal Fund Management (at the time known as Indiareit) as advisor
  • 2015: Piramal Enterprises Ltd. acquires Kentucky based Specialty Pharmaceutical CDMO, Coldstream Laboratories Inc.
  • 2015: DRG has acquired Healthcare Business Insights (HBI), a trusted provider of best Practice research, training and services to more than 1,400 hospitals across the U.S.
  • 2015: Warburg Pincus to invest Rs 1800 crore in Piramal Realty.
  • 2015: Piramal Realty secures $150 million (Rs 900 crore) from Goldman Sachs.
  • 2015: Piramal Realty launches a new community for natural and holistic living at Balkum, Thane, Mumbai: Piramal Vaikunth
  • 2015: Piramal Enterprises acquires the Baby Care brand – Little’s for the Consumer Products Business
  • 2016: Piramal Enterprises announces the sale of its Canada-based cartilage repair product, BST-CarGel® to Smith & Nephew
  • 2016: Piramal Realty launches its signature project, Piramal Aranya in Byculla, Mumbai
  • 2016: Piramal Enterprises enters an agreement to acquire four brands from Pfizer Limited for its Consumer Products Business
  • 2016: Piramal Realty forays into commercial real estate with the launch of Piramal Agastya Corporate Park in Kurla, Mumbai
  • 2016: Piramal Enterprises enters into an agreement to acquire Ash Stevens Inc., a US based Contract and Drug Manufacturing Organisation (CDMO) for High Potency APIs (HPAPIs)
  • 2016: Piramal Enterprises Limited and Bain Capital Credit to pursue distressed debt investing in India
  • 2016: Piramal Enterprises Critical Care Division expands its product portfolio; enters into an agreement to acquire Janssen's Injectable Anaesthesia and Pain Management products
  • 2016: Piramal Enterprises Critical Care Division expands its product portfolio; enters into an agreement to acquire Janssen's Injectable Anaesthesia and Pain Management products
  • 2016: Piramal Fund Management launches an Innovative Flexi Lease Rental Discounting (LRD) for Commercial Assets.
  • 2017: Piramal Enterprises Limited announces its plan to enter Housing Finance
  • 2017: Piramal Enterprises Limited and Ivanhoé Cambridge announce Partnership to Invest in Residential Developments in India
  • 2017: Piramal Realty marks exclusive pre-Launch of Piramal Revanta
  • 2017: Piramal Enterprises Completes the Acquisition of a Portfolio of Drugs for Spasticity and Pain Management from Mallinckrodt LLC.
  • 2018: Piramal Finance Limited Forays into the Hospitality Sector
  • 2018: Piramal Realty launches Piramal Mahalaxmi, its Flagship Project in South Mumbai
  • 2018: NITI Aayog Partners with Piramal Foundation to Transform 25 Aspirational Districts across 7 states in India, in the areas of Health & Nutrition and Education.
  • 2018: IndiaRF Announces $156 million Investment in Archean Group’s Marine Chemicals Business.
  • 2019: Piramal Enterprises Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) to set-up Asset Aggregation Platform focused on renewables.
  • 2019: Supreme Court Exempts Saridon from the List of Banned FDCs.
  • 2019: Piramal Swasthya has been recognized by USAID with the ‘Inclusive Health Access Award’ for its High Impact Healthcare Platform
  • 2019: Piramal Foundation and Gates Foundation Partner to Setup a Tribal Health Collaborative for India
  • 2019: Piramal Swasthya and The Rockefeller Foundation Announce Partnership to Accelerate India’s Public Health Transformation
  • 2019: Piramal Divests its DRG Business for $950 million.
  • 2019: PEL raises funds of Rs 14,500 crore in FY2020.
  • 2019: Piramal Realty Makes a Foray into Value Housing Segment
  • 2020: Piramal Group Commits INR 25 Crores to COVID-19 Relief Effort.
  • 2020: Carlyle and Piramal Pharma Sign Agreement on 20% Strategic Growth Investment.
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