As an investor, you would want to know which are the best stocks within a sector/industry or index so that you could have a shortlist of stocks that you could consider investing in. This is what our tool ComPeer helps you achieve.
For example - This tool helps you know which are the top 3 Pharma companies in a few seconds, just by selecting the sector domain as Pharma and screening them on the basis of their Net Sales.
Use this tool in 2 simple steps:
Step 1 - Select the domain of your choice:
To start, you need to select a domain of your choice. You have a choice among 3 independent domains i.e. Sector/Industry/Index.
For example - Select your domain as Pharma and you will get a list of Pharma stocks with the company with the highest net sales on the top.
Step 2 - Screen according to the parameters of your choice:
Going forward, you can screen this list on the basis of certain available parameters like Net Sales, Earnings per share (EPS), Profit Margins, Price to Earnings ratio (P/E), Price to book value (P/BV), Price change over a day etc. You can compare P/E and P/BVPS across companies and with the Industry P/E to identify companies that are attractively priced and merit further evaluation.
For e.g. - If you want to know the market leader in the above list of Pharma sector stocks, screen on the basis of Net Sales. The company with the highest net sales is the market leader.
If you want to know which stock has had the highest price rise over the last day, screen according to price change.