Part 3: Goals or What the heck is Financial Freedom in my case, exactly?

3.6 Finding out what work is really meaningful for you

If you are reading this book, I assume you have not yet reached financial freedom which means you are working to earn an income. You may be in a job, self-employed or running a business. Work occupies a lion share of our waking hours and is also the source of great joy or pain. Therefore, you need to look at it closely.   
Is the work that you are doing currently, satisfying? And is it something that you are enjoying? Both these are different questions. Work is satisfying when it is meaningful for you and for that, it has to be aligned to you values, your talents and what you want to contribute to the outside world. 
However, sometimes your work is satisfying but we may not be enjoying it. The reasons could be your boss, your team, the company, the location, the pay, the work culture etc. In such a situation, you must try to fix whatever the issues are that is diminishing you joy at work including making changes in how you are working. Especially if you have received feedback about it because that means your behaviours is diminishing joy for...........Read More

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