Part 2: Perspective or How to think about investing in a way that ensures success?

2.1 Investing is a marathon-completing it is more important than speed

Investing is like running a marathon and not a sprint. That’s obvious because your goals are decades in the future. What does it entail? Running a marathon requires physical fitness no doubt, and you need to use your will power to complete it. But is that enough? How do marathon runners run marathons so often? 
I am in awe of people who run marathons. That’s 42 kilometers or 26.2 miles. Why do they do it? How do they do it? 
Let’s start with why people run marathons? The reasons are varied and many but they all mean a heck of a lot to the runners because it enables them to go through the rigour of preparing themselves, not giving up on running but giving up so many things along the way. And when they run it go through pain over a few hours that must seem like forever.
I can’t imagine external reasons like winning someone’s approval can make you run a marathion successfully. The reasons must be really personal. I think it’s the meaning they attach to running a marathon that inspires people to do it.
I liked this one a lot “Everything you wanted to know about yourself you can learn in 26.2 miles.” -Lori Culnane. It tells you that in running a marathon you make an external journey of 26 miles and a much longer one internally. And the inner journey is the inspiration.  
You need an equally inspiring reason if you have to invest over...........Read More

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