Part 2: Perspective or How to think about investing in a way that ensures success?

2.3 Investing is better managed like a Business than as Personal Finance

Is managing investments or for that matter money, at the level of an individual really different than how a business does it? It isn’t. Does treating it as ‘personal finance’ limit  how well you do it? And how would you think and manage it differently if you were to treat it like managing a business? What can you learn from this perspective?
if you are thinking you will have to learn some psycho fundas to make better investing decisions I don’t blame you because the last chapter sounds like that. But I am going to suggest a more practical way of managing this. A more empowering perspective. 
I know many of you may not have any experience of managing a business. That it may seem strange to try to manage your investing as something where you have even lesser experience. But it is the thinking about the matter in a different way that will shed light and get us unstuck. Stay with me. 
Why managing business is an empowering lens to view managing investing? And why thinking of it as managing...........Read More

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  • from Ramchander Avanavadi at 2023-05-30 21:28:29
    you might want to add a column for the retired / end of career investor. say 55-65.
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